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From the desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(12/1) The elections are over. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate John Van Volkenburgh, Daniel Patton Sr. and Kenneth Lundberg on their reelection to Carroll Valley Council. I also would like to congratulate Tom Campbell, our Borough's solicitor, on being elected as an Adams County Court of Common Pleas Judge.

Tom's win is a bittersweet moment for us, in that we are happy for him as he starts his new career but sad that he will be leaving us. Most of all, thank you the residents of the Borough of Carroll Valley for coming out and exercising your citizen's right to vote.

Speaking about your interests, you may want to review the proposed 2010 budget. On November 10th, the Borough Council agreed to have the proposed 2010 budget on public display for a 30 day review. This is done so that the citizens can review the budget, see how their tax dollars are being used and ask questions if they so desire.

The Borough has recently awarded the trash and recycling contract to Park's Garbage Service from Mt Union, Pennsylvania. The Park's Garbage Service company has been serving customers in Pennsylvania for 50 years. There will be a mailer coming out to all residents in the first week of December explaining the collection rates and the recycling pickup schedule.

You are given a number of ways to sign up for service and they are: going to their website at and fill in the sign up form on the site; or call their office at (800) 486-4490; or fill in the form contained within the mailer and fax it to them at (814) 542-4851.

Whatever method you chose to use you are urged to sign up prior to December 18th to ensure uninterrupted service. The new service begins January 1, 2010.

Here are some of the highlights contained in the mailer. The collection rate is $46.38 per quarter for trash, recycling and one bulk item per week. There is no discount if you choose not to recycle. For additional $6.00 per quarter, you receive a 96 gallon cart with wheels. For more information, visit

If you have any questions, contact Park's Garbage Service at (800) 486-4490 or the Borough Secretary, Gayle Marthers at (717) 642-8269.

The Borough has been notified that the reassessment by 21st Century Appraisals, Inc. of our homes/property in Carroll Valley began on November 16th. The last reassessment was performed in 1990. The initial residential data collection will last about four weeks. So, by the time you read this, half of the reassessments would have been completed. 21st Century Appraisals' plan is to visit each property in Carroll Valley. Homes will not be entered.

The existing information will be undated by the owner/occupant at the door. If not at home, a mail-back card will be left. The owner/occupant will be asked to fill out the card and return it. Exterior measurements will be taken and a description of each structure will be validated. Digital camera images will also be taken of the structures on the property.

Adams County has issued ID badges to the data collectors and has given them reassessment signs for their vehicles. For more information refer to the Adams County, PA website at and scroll down on the home page to Reassessment\My Property.

If you looked over at Lake May as you come into Carroll Valley and thought the water level of lake seems to be lower, you are correct. On Thursday, November 12th a structural issue was found at the spillway. The discovery of a hole adjacent to the concrete spillway prompted the Borough to close the influent value and open the discharge value to lower the water level about 3 feet. This was done to relieve pressure on the leak found in the concrete spillway. The problem has been isolated and stabilized. After inspection by the Borough geotechnical engineer, the dam was declared not to be an emergency situation.

Our Borough Manager is planning to post the results of the Carroll Valley Community Survey to our website in December. The goal of the survey is to gauge citizen attitudes regarding community services and attributes, customer service, citizen involvement and goals for the Borough of Carroll Valley. The information gathered by this survey provides a benchmark for resident opinion and solid data to measure changing perceptions. Be sure to checkout the results. By the way, the AT&T service on the tower in Liberty Township is now operational.

Around this time of year, the question always comes up whether someone can hunt in Carroll Valley. To clarify the rules, Carroll Valley cannot by law change state law regarding hunting; however, current state rules make legal hunting in Carroll Valley difficult Pennsylvania has what are called "Safety Zones".

In a safety zone, it is unlawful to hunt for, shoot at, trap, take, chase or disturb wildlife within 150 yards of any occupied residence, camp, industrial or commercial building, farm house or farm building, or school or playground without the permission of the occupants. It is unlawful to shoot into a safety zone, even if you are outside of the zone. Driving game, even without a firearm or bow, within a safety zone without permission is unlawful.

The safety zone for archery hunters statewide, including those using crossbows, is 50 yards. Archery hunters carrying muzzleloaders during any muzzleloader season must abide by the 150-yard safety zone regulation. Around playgrounds, schools, nursery schools or day-care centers, the safety zone remains 150 yards. For further information, refer to

Should you think someone is hunting too close to a residence, you can call the Pennsylvania Game Commission's Dispatch Center in Huntington at (814) 643-1831 and an officer will check for violations. If you see persons hunting from vehicles or after dark, call County Dispatch at 717-334-8101.

A number of events are being planned by the Carroll Valley Citizens Association for December, including the Tree Lighting at the Borough Office on December 4th at 7:00 p.m., breakfast with Santa on December 12th at the Fairfield Fire Hall from 8:00 am to 11 am., and a Holiday Dinner & Dance at the Carroll Valley Resort on December 12th.

Keep safe! Keep well! Happy Holidays!

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