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From the Desk of Carroll Valley Mayor Ron

(8/1) The Carroll Valley Borough July 4th Celebration was a tremendous success this year with an attendance of approximately 2,500 people. It was "The Place To Be" on the July 4th to enjoy our Nation’s birthday. The success of the day would not have been achieved without the involvement of many individuals and local businesses. It is through their participation that we were able to enjoy the day. Special thanks go to Steve Fitez, Bruce Pecher, Jack Ringler, Donny Shaffer, Sterling Shuyler and Jeff Wise for their tireless efforts preparing the Carroll Valley Commons for the day’s event. I would like to thank the members of the July 4th (J4) Planning Group who planned the event over a period of a year. They are Brenda Colesanti, Charles Dalton, George Fisanich, Joe Hallinan, Mary Ellen Jester, Robert Jester, Gayle Marthers, Larry Noel, Dan Sanders, Marie Schwartz, Tim Skoczen, Jay Stroup, and James Whittington.

I would also like to express my appreciation to the following individuals for making it such a special day: Dave Baker, Amanda Bell, Jacqueline Buchheister, Frank Buhrman, Cindy Emory, Nate Gilbert, Mandra Jester, Carl Keller and Family, Meredith Lawler, Clayton Lynch, William McCleaf Jr., Charlee Marthers, Suzanne Samples, and Pastor Dale Williams. I would like to also recognize the generosity of our Fireworks Major Sponsors: Adams Electric Cooperative Inc., Borough of Carroll Valley, and Liberty Mountain Resort & Conference Center. I would like to bring attention to our other special contributors: Buchanan Automotive Inc., Carroll Valley Citizens Association, Comcast, Emmitsburg Vigilant Hose Company, Fairfield Area School District, Fairfield Borough, Fairfield Boy Scout Troop 76, Fairfield Fire & EMS, Fine Line Trim LLC, Fountaindale Fire Company, Hamiltonban Township, ISP Minerals Inc., Richard and Susan Murphy, Park’s Garbage Service Inc., School Safaris Inc., Shealer’s Septic Tank Service, Strawberry Hill Nature Center, and Taverna 5450.

Finally, I personally would like to express my appreciation to Gayle Marthers who managed the day’s event to a successful completion and to Dave Hazlett for his help in planning the event and in the preparation of professional looking July 4th brochures and flyers. If interested, 239 pictures have been uploaded to for your viewing pleasure.

Be sure to mark Tuesday, August 2nd on your calendar to attend the Borough of Carroll Valley Police Department’s National Night Out (NNO). NNO will be held from 5 to 8 pm at Carroll Commons on Fairfield Road. NNO is celebrated each year across the United States to increase awareness for safety within the community, and to educate residents on how to protect their families and familiarize them with available services. All events are FREE. The seminars: "DUI Highway Safety Education" and "Sexual Abuse Awareness" was so well attended last year that they are being given again this year. The seminars are given by the Adams County Adult Probation and Parole Department. Child identification kits will be available which will include child fingerprinting and videotaping. If available, a landing will be made by STAT MED-EVAC. Some of the others to be seen on the grounds are: Thurmont K-9 Search and Rescue, Motorcycle Safety, Keeney Fire Extinguisher Company, American Red Cross, Humane Society, Ski Patrol Demonstration, Adams County Transit Authority, Survivors Inc., Adams County Handgunners Association, Children’s Advocacy Center, Tobacco Prevention Task Force, Domestic Violence Task Force, and Safe Kids. Children’s games will be conducted by the Girl Scouts. Hot dogs, chips and a drink for children 12 years and younger will be FREE. These food tickets will be distributed at the Welcome table located at the entrance of the Foot Bridge to the Pavilion area. Other food vendors include Antietam Dairy, Feed Bag Catering as well as others. Fairfield Fire & EMS plans to be there and provide a game that the children will enjoy. Fountaindale Fire Company will provide rides for our young citizens. There will be so much to do. Come out and enjoy an evening of information, food and fun.

I don’t know if you are aware that the American Red Cross is facing a critical blood shortage and has issued an appeal for blood donors. All types are needed, but especially O negative, which can be used to treat any patient. Please consider donating blood. Call the American Red Cross York-Adams Chapter at (717) 845-2751 or launch their website at to make an appointment.

In August, the Borough will start preparing the budget for 2012. The Borough Manager provides the first draft to the Finance Committee on October 5th. This draft budget will be reviewed in detail at the Finance Committee meeting on October 10th. On the following night, it is delivered to the Borough Council. A detailed review by the Borough Council is scheduled for October 18th and again on October 25th, if needed. The reason I bring these meetings to your attention is that these are the times you can participate and voice your opinion on how you believe your tax dollars should be spent. Also be aware that when reviewing the Borough’s budget, we are only addressing approximately 11.86% of the total taxes we pay. You need to also consider voicing your opinion to the Fairfield Area School District (65.22%) and Adams County (22.91%) on how they should spend your tax dollars. Check their websites to find out when their 2012 draft budgets will be available for review. Please participate in your school and county government affairs.

Borough meetings to be held in August are: Planning Commission (Aug 1st), Council Borough (Aug 9th), and Parks/Recreation (Aug 24th). Remember Carroll Valley’s Farmer’s Market is on Thursdays in the Ranch Section from 2:00 to 7:00 pm. Please reduce your driving speed when you are in the Valley. If you have any questions call me at (301) 606-2021 or email at

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