(2/1) The Carroll Valley Citizens Association (CVCA) is seeking to expand its membership base, and will be holding a membership drive on February 22.
Chuck Whitlow, president of the association, said, “We’re going to try drum-up membership numbers and give away some prizes.”
The membership drive will be held at the Carroll Valley Borough park pavilion from 6 to 9 p.m. CVCA board members will also be attending to introduce themselves to the public and explain what the association does.
“I think a lot of people around here aren’t familiar with CVCA,” Whitlow stated. “We’re just trying to build a sense of community. The CVCA is just another vehicle to make people aware of what’s going on and what Carroll Valley Borough has to offer.”
“I don’t recall us ever having a membership drive before,” he said. “We’re just trying new things to get people to become a part of the CVCA.”
The association presently has around 225 members, Whitlow said. Although he noted he was not sure what the peak membership numbers were when the association had the greatest participation, but, he said, membership dropped by “about 30 to 40 families” during the 2011-2012 period.
Whitlow said, “We are kicking around some things that we’re trying to do. We’re looking to do something in the summertime, like music in the park or theater in the park, family-oriented kinds of thing.“
However, he said, “All are in the early stages,” with details still being worked on with borough staff.
Anyone interested in CVCA membership may contact Whitlow at 717-642-5576, or by e-mail at chuckww01@embarqmail.com. The association web site is located at http://www.carrollvalleycitizens.org.
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