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Carroll Valley news-briefs

Danielle Ryan

(7/19) Lot Exchange approved

During the July 12 Carroll Valley Borough Council meeting, a public hearing was held to discuss two lot exchange requests. Lot exchange #1 consisted of two different properties. The first located on 11 White Oak Trail was proposed to be exchanged for Borough owned lot on 46 Oak Ridge Trail. The other property within this request is located on 14 White Oak Trail and was requested to be exchanged for a Borough owned lot on 43 Oak Ridge Trail. The property on 14 Whit Oak Trail is considered a high value property, but sits on a flood plain, making it difficult to build on.

Mr. Stem, the current property owner who filed the requests, was present at the meeting. Mr. Stem only wished to exchange property in order to make a larger lot. In fact, Council member, Ken Lundberg, stated that the intention of the Borough exchanging properties is also to build more homes in Carroll Valley, but in order to do so some of the currently owned Borough lots need to be made larger. Exchanging properties will allow the Borough to have some larger lots that can then be purchased by homeowners wishing to build.

The second request was a lot located on 5 Roadside Trail to be exchanged for Borough owned lot on 31 Freedom Trail. Both requests, which consisted of three different property exchanges, were approved after the public meeting adjourned and the Council voted.

Feral Cat population efforts continue

During the July 12 Borough Council meeting, the Council was asked to allocate additional funds for the Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) program in Carroll Valley. An additional $500 was approved to further fund this program. Vice President, Sarach Skoczen mentioned that the program has been continuing successfully. As of the weekend of July 9th, 100 cats had been trapped, neutered and released. On August 6 the next trapping will occur, and Skoczen hopes to finish the population in Section A.

Borough staff member, Gale Marthers promoted

The Borough of Carroll Valley is proud to announce that Gale Marthers, the Borough Secretary, has been promoted to a new Borough position entitled the Assistant Borough Manager/Borough Secretary, Assistant Borough Treasurer. She began her time with the Borough as a member of the Planning Commission. Since then, she became more involved in the Borough and other staff members spoke incredibly highly of her and her dedication to the Borough and Community.

Fairfield’s Pippinfest – a great event for local crafters

Do you have a particular crafting talent? Fairfield’s Pippinfest may be the place for you on Saturday, September 24 or Sunday, September 25 or both days!

Organizers still have some spaces on Main Street for craft vendors and particularly welcome crafters who would like to demonstrate their craft. The vendor fee for applications postmarked on or before August 1, 2016 is $85 for one day and $135 for two days. First time vendors who apply by August 15 will receive a $15 off coupon upon request. There is no vendor fee for Fairfield area non-profit clubs and organizations having an address within the Fairfield School District.

This year marks the 36th anniversary for Pippinfest. The festival brings folks together for two days of local charm, crafts, food, and entertainment. Saturday is primarily a community yard sale day, but in recent years an increasing number of craft and food vendors are interspersed among the yard sales. Saturday the focus is on crafts, entertainment, children, and of course, festival food!

If you are interested in participating as a craft or non-profit vendor or a craft demonstrator, you can obtain more information on the "Vendor Listing & Information" page at The 2016 applications are at the top of the page. You can also phone the Fairfield Borough Office at 717-642-5640 to speak with Susan.

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