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Carroll Valley celebrates festivities

(12/20) The borough ensured a festive and engaging holiday season full of community togetherness through multiple events around town this December.

The borough office became a wash of red and green as staff stayed active preparing for events. Donations of non-perishable foods and toys were also eagerly accepted for families in need.

Meal kits were delivered and wish-lists were checked off as a partnership between the borough and Fairfield Fire Company provided a festive celebration and brightened the season for local families through the Fairfield Family Initiative.

A red mailbox could be found inside the foyer of the borough municipal building throughout the month welcoming express letters to the North Pole, no postage required!

The mailbox also provided a winter wonderland setting for festive photos.

The special delivery box was thanks to Santa Koz to ensure kiddos throughout the community could send out letters to the big man in red without delay. Regardless of snow, hail, or blizzard, letters received before December 17 were ensured to receive an enthusiastic response.

Santa Koz, also known as Carroll Valley resident Mike Kulkusky, founder of the nonprofit American Bikers on a Mission, participates in countless community wide holiday events to ensure the spirit of the season.

On December 5, Carroll Valley’s annual Christmas Tree Lighting welcomed a full-sized pine tree this season.

"It’s finally a full-blown tree," Assistant Borough Manager Gayle Marthers said, adding that previous years’ celebrations have all utilized smaller trees.

The annual festivity welcoming the entire community also had a holiday story reading from Miss Crystal of the Carroll Valley Library, as well as hot chocolate, cookies, and a visit from Kris Kringle himself.

Sirens replaced sleigh bells as Santa Claus was also found taking chauffeured sleigh rides aboard Fairfield and Fountaindale fire trucks throughout the neighborhoods.

Elves worked around the clock to post on social media Santa’s location and keep the community informed of his next stops.

Santa also made special visits throughout December including stopping in for lunch at Fairfield Fire Department, gobbling up milk and cookies at the Liberty Workshop Center and making holiday crafts at the borough building.

Demonstrating a season worth being thankful for, Carroll Valley events once again intertwine the community for a season of joy.

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