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From the Desk of Liberty Township
 Supervisor Walter Barlow

(11/2022) During the month of October, the township completed additional repair work and ditching on McGlaughlin Road. We were unable to complete the scheduled 2022 tree canopy work due to staff shortages and time restraints. We are currently assessing our road maintenance needs and developing a schedule and budget for 2023.

With the time change in November, school age children will be on the road in the dark. Please be extra careful. This past month, we have had a few cars ignoring the flashing lights and driving through an active bus stop. Thankfully, the students were diligent and there were no injuries. Buses flash yellow lights to indicate that a stop is coming up and red lights when the bus is stopped. Drivers must stay stopped until the lights are off, and the bus begins moving again.

We are also looking at other areas of concern for accidents. Waynesboro Pike/PA Route 16 is a heavily travelled road. Please be aware that the Blue Ridge Sportsmen’s Association has a campground located on the other side of Waynesboro Pike from the club and there are frequent crossings by pedestrians and golf cards to and from both facilities. A recent accident resulted in very serious injuries to both parties. We are working with state and local authorities to see how we can address the area to make it safer for motorist and pedestrians.

Just because there is no snow falling, does not mean the roads are free from the dangers of winter. Overnight rain and mist can still freeze on the road creating black ice. Prepare yourself for winter and have your cars winterized. Be sure to check your tires, wiper blades, and top off fluid levels for anti-freeze and windshield washer fluid. Be prepared in your home as well. Check your home's heating system, stock up on fuel, and test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

The Zoning Hearing Board of Liberty Township will meet on Thursday, November 3, at 6 p.m. to consider an application for a Special Exception to the Zoning Hearing Board, filed by Operation Second Chance, Inc., relative to certain real property located in Liberty Township at 17912 Harbaugh Valley Road, Fairfield. The applicant is requesting a special exception in order to authorize and permit the location, construction and use of a proposed indoor riding center and arena, horse stables and related facilities.

The Adams County Board of Commissioners recently appointed a Broadband Community Advisory Task Force to help formulate and advance a strategy to address the development and implementation of an affordable county-wide broadband network. The Broadband Community Assessment authorized through a joint project between Adams and Franklin Counties is underway. The study will help pinpoint areas in the county where broadband service is either unavailable or where upload and/or download speeds are too slow or unreliable to support virtual businesses, virtual education, telehealth services and other internet users. The study will analyze the types of technology that may be needed to provide acceptable levels of service in unserved and underserved areas of the county.

There has been a heightened activity in developing short-term rentals in our community. Please be aware of current laws applying to short term rentals. While agencies such as Vrbo and Airbnb are aware of the 5% Hotel Room Rental Tax, many property owners listing their homes directly are not. If you are considering any short-term rental of your property, please contact the Adams County Treasurer’s office for more information on collecting and remitting the 5% Hotel Room Rental Tax.

The Board of Supervisors meets the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m.. The Planning Commission meets the third Tuesday of the month, as needed. Please check our webpage on the Adams County website for more information. We look forward to input from our residents bringing forth ideas to help better the township as a whole. We want to wish everyone a great holiday season this Thanksgiving, and to be mindful of things to be thankful for in our lives such as our family, our homes, and security that we have within our neighborhoods.

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