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From the Desk of Liberty Township
 Supervisor Walter Barlow

(8/2022) Summer is here and we have endured our fair share of storms and heat over the past few weeks. Seventeen trees fell in the township a few weeks ago in a single storm. The road department will continue mowing, culvert pipe cleaning, and addressing potholes in the township. The black topping of McGlaughlin Road from Water Steet to the Freedom Township line is complete, and we are very pleased with the job that New Enterprise has done. As soon as the road cures, we plan to finish the ditching work to promote better water flow along the sides of the roads.

The Old Waynesboro Pike bridge will be closed for repair from August 8-12. The bridge will be refaced, and stones and ballasts will be put under the bridge to divert the water from the abutment to try to cut down on the erosion problem with the bridge.

School Taxes were mailed out in early July. We encourage you to take advantage of the 2% discount that can be applied until August 31. Please note all school taxes that are collected are disbursed to the Fairfield Area School District. Liberty Township does not receive any of those funds. Public Tax hours are held that last two weeks of August and the dates and times are listed on your tax bills. The drop box located at the township building may also be used for tax collection.

The Liberty Township Police Department has joined the Pennsylvania State Police and over 300 municipal agencies to conduct a targeted aggressive-driving enforcement wave from July 5 through August 21, 2022. The goal of targeted enforcement is to reduce the number of aggressive driving related crashes, injuries, and deaths on roadways throughout the state.

Liberty Township will also participate in DUI patrol from August 17-September 5 and Occupant Protection from September 11 - 30. These enforcement activities are part of Pennsylvania’s Highway Safety Program and is funded by part of PennDOT’s investment of federal funds from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your Summer.

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