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From the Desk of Liberty Township
 Supervisor Walter Barlow

(1/2023) Happy New Year to all! In December, we discussed the possibility of upgrading our tractor and backhoe in the new year. Upgrading these pieces of equipment is crucial so we can act swiftly and clear the roads in the case of bad weather. If you see any dead trees that look like they may fall, or if you see any trees that are down, please reach out to us so we can stay on top of clean up. On Friday, December 16, during the icy storm, we had fifteen trees down on Township roads. With help from PennLine Tree Services and Mr. Keilholtz, we were able to clean up everything within four hours. We appreciate all the assistance we received during the storm.

Recently, we accepted the resignation of one of our Elected Auditors, Sue Hek. We wish her well in her future endeavors and thank her for her years of service to Liberty Township. We appointed Bob Jackson to the Board of Auditors to fill the vacancy. Bob Jackson is a former Liberty Township Supervisor and he previously served as an Auditor. We are thankful for his willingness to accept the position on such short notice, and we are pleased to work with him again.

At our December meeting, the Board of Supervisors promoted Officer Chris Roosen to Sergeant and hired him as a full-time police officer. Congratulations to Sergeant Roosen and we look forward to seeing more of him in Liberty, Freedom, and Highland Townships in 2023. We are happy to report that both Freedom and Highland Townships are continuing our intermunicipal agreement by signing multi-year contracts for police services. Liberty Township would like to recognize former Carroll Valley Police Chief Richard Hileman and wish him well in his retirement. Richard Hileman served as chief since 1997 but has been with the Carroll Valley Police Department since 1992. We also want to congratulate the new Chief of Police Clifford Weikert on his promotion. We look forward to continuing our cooperative relationship with the Carroll Valley Police Department.

Liberty Township would like to thank the Adams County Board of Commissioners for deciding to provide a portion of the County’s American Rescue Plan Act funds to local municipalities, Fire Departments, and Emergency Medical Service providers. According to Chair Commissioner Randy Phiel, "It has always been the intent of this Board to distribute these funds in a way that would positively impact every citizen in Adams County." Commissioner Jim Martin expressed that "It is our hope that the funds will help these organizations continue to provide the necessary services our community needs to prosper." Liberty Township received approximately $10,000 from Adams County and made the decision to donate $5,000 each to Adams County Office For Aging and Hoffman Homes For Youth. The Township is grateful to be able to put these funds directly back into the community and help these populations that need vital services.

I want to thank the staff at Liberty Township for everything they do and for the continued dedication and loyalty they display to the Township. We greatly value them. I hope that everyone has a great new year. I am thankful to have the opportunity to serve you all.

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