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Tension between Council members
 burst into open

(9/24) Tension remains thick between the Carroll Valley Borough Council and one of its members.

In July, Councilmember Cody Gilbert successfully motioned to vacate the office of Vice President, held by Councilmember John Schubring. The motion passed 5-2 without discussion. John Schubring and Councilmember Catherine Schubring cast the opposition votes. The Council then named Bruce Carr its new Vice President.

Gilbert’s motion was not listed on the agenda and Council did not vote to amend the agenda. The Emmitsburg News-Journal reported at the time that the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act dictates governing bodies can only add an item to its agenda if it meets one of three exceptions and the majority of Council votes to approve the amendment. The Carroll Valley Council did not vote to approve nor amend its agenda.

Council President Richard Mathews said in August that the council’s attorney, Zachary Rice, advised him that the Sunshine Act was not violated. "We take allegations like this seriously and steadfastly believe there were, indeed, no violations of our procedures," Mathews said.

Neither Schubring attended that meeting. In September, both were attendance and John took to the microphone to counter Mathews’ statement.

"If this was serious about respecting the Sunshine rule, the council would not have tried to remove the vice president without putting the intent to remove on the agenda," he said.

John Schubring said he was surprised by the motion to remove him as President. He said he was not accusing the Council of violating the law, but rather expressing his opinion that he believes they violated the intent of the law.

Schubring said he believes his removal was due to his desire to publicly discuss a "formal, written complaint" against a police officer. In June, he asked Police Chief Clifford Weikert about an "officer tailing an individual." Rice advised against discussing a complaint in public.

During the June meeting, John Schubring’s conventional nameplate was replaced with a large tent card that doubled the size of everyone else’s, and he was referred to as Dr. Schubring in bold, underlined lettering. In July, the Council had new nameplates with everyone’s honorific in front of their full name.

When the Secretary took roll call at the beginning of the June meeting, every member of council said "here" after his or her name was called. When the secretary said, "John Schubring," he responded, "Dr. Schubring is here."

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