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Fairfield School Board debates leave policy

(6/24) An uncompensated leave policy has been the focal point of Fairfield Area School District Board meetings, and the conversation is not over.

Superintendent Thomas Haupt told the board in May that he hopes to establish clear guidelines dictating when staff members can take uncompensated leave.

"We have very inconsistent practices for leave use," he said.

Haupt believes staff should not be taking uncompensated leave when they have paid leave days to use. Teachers earn 10 sick days and four personal days, Haupt said.

"We want to approve leave of people when it is needed, and we are," he said. "This just gives a really clear process of how we are doing it."

Haupt clarified that he has no plans to deny people leave for "life events" such as family weddings. He is concerned, however, about staff members who consistently take vacations during the school year that could be scheduled during breaks. Haupt added uncompensated leave could affect teachers’ retirement benefits because such periods are not calculated when determining years of service.

Several board members questioned why the policy was being proposed now and not during teacher contract negotiations. Haupt said he could not discuss specific incidents in a public forum, so the board went into executive session to learn more. The Pennsylvania Open Meetings Law allows boards to discuss personnel matters in private.

Matthew DeGennaro, James Fisher, and Jack Liller voted in favor of Haupt’s proposal. Candace Ferguson-Miller, Erica Bollinger, Jennifer Holz, Melissa Kearchner, Theodore Sayres., and Lisa Sturgis opposed it.

The board, in a separate 5-4 vote, directed Haupt to share the policy proposal with all staff and invite them to comment. The board will review the proposal and comments again on June 10 and vote on it again June 24.

School Board Approves Tax Increase

The board unanimously approved the 2023-24 budget, which includes a 3.63% tax increase. The $22.8 million spending plan focuses on tackling deferred maintenance, building a three-year capital plan, and saving money for a possible expansion of the Adams County Technical Institute. The board also plans to contribute $8,000 towards a high school courtyard.

The board also unanimously voted to eliminate student athletic participation fee. Haupt said the fee was originally instituted to pay for random drug testing. The district no longer randomly tests students, Haupt said, and he suspects the fee may hinder some students from participating in sports.

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