(12/15) Newly appointed members of the Walkersville Economic Development Commission (EDC) are to be sworn in at the first town meeting on January 12th to begin their terms. The town previously had an EDC from 2013 to 2016.
According to Commissioner Michael Bailey, the town is forming the Economic Development Commission "in order to look holistically at ways that the town can support existing businesses and create opportunities for new business growth. The EDC will work collaboratively with existing economic development groups, other town commissions, businesses, and elected officials to make policy and programmatic recommendations to the Burgess and Commissioners."
Four members will be sworn in at the January meeting, including LeAnne Tennant, Linda Morgan, Bob McNally, and Ryan Csajko. Michael Bailey will be serving as commissioner liaison and the seven-seat commission will include two additional individuals to be appointed in the future. Each member being sworn in is a resident of Walkersville and all were appointed by Burgess Weddle before unanimous confirmation by the town council.
The Walkersville EDC already has a few priority projects to focus on. According to Bailey, they will be reworking and updating the town’s business directory, establishing formal working relationships with the Frederick County Office of Economic Development and the Walkersville Business and Professional Association, and providing recommendations to the Burgess and Commissioners on ways the town can support local businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19. Fiscal Year goals and priorities will be established and posted to the town’s website for residents to view. Town Manager Sean Williams noted that while it will be difficult to measure the effectiveness of the commission right away, "but with time we hope to assist in bringing new business to the Town. "
Many towns in Maryland opt to join the State’s Main Street Program, a comprehensive economic rehabilitation effort, and previous Walkersville commissions have explored this option. The town of Walkersville previously failed to meet the requirement of having a "defined, walkable central business district with a significant number of historic commercial buildings."
The Walkersville Economic Development Committee will meet every third Monday of the month beginning in January, apart from January when they will meet on the fourth Monday as to not interfere with MLK Day. Citizen’s opinions and thoughts are welcome as meetings will be open to the public.