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Park pavilion rental rates increased

(2/25) At its February 23 meeting, the Town Council agreed to raise fees for pavilion rentals while monitoring the use of alcohol in all parks.

After failing to come to an agreement at the last Town Hall meeting regarding pavilion rental fees and the use of alcohol permits, the Council’s final agreement passed 3-2.

Walkersville has four park facilities, three of which contain reservable pavilions, fees for these rentals have changed as of February 24.

The small pavilions, which hold up to 50 people, will now rent for $75. The sole large pavilion at Heritage Farm Park, which holds up to 125 people, rents for $100. The Town Council eliminated the security deposit for all pavilions.

There was also discussion over whether there should be two different rates for rental fees: Walkersville residents and non-residents. Commissioner Michael McNiesh brought up that other municipalities have a fee system for events, rentals, activities, etc. that differentiates for residents and non-residents. Commissioner Mary Ann Brodie-Ennis concurred with him.

At the previous meeting, Commissioner Tom Gilbert made a motion that included eliminating alcohol permits in the parks. In addition to the pavilion rental fees, use of alcohol within the pavilions previously required a $10 alcohol permit. Currently, beer and wine are allowed in all Walkersville parks, but only in the pavilion areas.

Commissioner Michael Bailey pointed out because there have been no issues with allowing alcohol in the parks, it would be hard to place a ban on it.

Town Manager Sean Williams said although there is usually a higher volume of trash after a rental with an alcohol permit, it is usually contained garbage. McNiesh also noted that any Walkersville residents who wanted to have alcohol could rent a pavilion at another local town. Bailey supported limiting the use of alcohol permits to certain parks.

Another concern was that the town has already received pavilion rental agreements with an unknown number of alcohol permit requests. Changing the rules now could interfere with the alcohol permits already distributed.

Because of the debate on the alcohol permits, the council separated the pavilion rentals and alcohol permit issues into two separate motions. The council agreed to keep the fees the same the alcohol permits, but monitor more closely those applying for them to ensure there are no issues. If issues with the use of alcohol in the parks do arises, the council agreed to revisit issuing them.

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