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Four Years at the Mount

Senior Year

National Respect for Parents Day

Dolores Hans
MSMU class of 2025

(8/2024) When I was little I quickly noticed that the best feeling in the world was knowing my father carried me to bed when I fell asleep in the car or on the couch. As I got a little older, and the end of a movie would approach, I would either force myself asleep or pretend I was, so that he would have to carry me. The older I got however, I started noticing that he would wake me gently so I could walk myself to my bed. This was a rude awakening as I realized I was too big to be carried. Sometimes I would just stay asleep on the couch so I wouldn't have to feel the difference between being carried to bed and walking myself. I know that I will be chasing that feeling for the rest of my life.

The feeling of safety, warmth, love, and lightness. Not only was I able to feel light because my father is the strongest person I've ever met (physically and mentally), but because I never needed to be weighed down by fear or despair. My father was there. To carry me, to protect me, to love me. I grew up with many brothers, but my dad never let me be alone. He showed me that playing in the mud was fun, jumping into the pool wasn’t scary, and he lifted me up and ran when I was too little to play baseball in the backyard so that I could be a winner. My dad showed me how to appreciate nature, how to have a sense of adventure, and how to have reverence for the Lord. He gave me his artistic ability.

My dad is so talented, even his doodles are impressive. He also created a complex, amazing, summer long treasure hunt that had us reading coordinates, running all over town, finding hidden messages, solving puzzles, even canoeing down a river, to get to the treasure. He made challenges that played to each of my sibling’s and I’s strengths, and made it inclusive for every age from 20 to 4. He has such a great imagination. He has given me so many wonderful memories. He has instilled in me his sense of humor, his taste in music, and so much more. Because of him, I am both goofy and contemplative.

My Dad has shown me the kind of man I am worthy of, the kind of man who is strong and makes sacrifices, who provides and protects, who is the head of the household, but also isn’t afraid to randomly start dancing in the living room, venture into the woods, or tell a hilarious joke. He is the first man I’ve ever loved and the first man who ever loved me. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for him. I love making him laugh and making him proud.

My mother is a saint. She gives more, and puts more goodness out into the world than anyone I’ve ever met. She is the epitome of true beauty and grace. My mom has brought eight children into this world, and has raised each one with abundant love and faith. Not only does she nurture us, teach us, heal us, provide for us, and make a home for us, but she teaches full-time, drives us everywhere, prays for us every day, maintains friendships, volunteers, devotes time to children with special needs, and so much more.

The list of my mother’s capabilities is endless. She does so much that she has to reheat a cup of tea 4 times before drinking it hours later, because she doesn’t have the time to sit and drink it the first time she makes it. My mother has tremendous faith and compassion. She has been through a lot and yet her faith and reliability has never faltered. When I was young I used to think about how she made motherhood look so easy.

She could balance everything perfectly, and make even the most mundane things into something exciting. When she had to take all of us with her to the grocery store, she made it into a scavenger hunt for us. She would also pull out all the stops to make our childhood amazing. When my little siblings couldn’t do the "Heights Olympics", which was a thing our elementary school did before summer, because of Covid, she organized it right in our backyard. She would make us fun themed breakfasts like snowman pancakes or green eggs and ham, she would show us fun crafts, she would host fun parties, and she would sing us songs when we were babies.

One of my favorite things my mom has done is make scrapbooks. She put so much effort into these beautiful handmade books full of photos from our childhood and you can see just how much she loves us and how motherly she is. I will always cherish those scrapbooks.

Now that I am older, I love having conversations with my mom, planning trips, supporting her like she has always supported me, and laughing with her. My mother has become my friend and it makes me so happy.

August 1st is National Respect for Parents Day. Take a moment to thank your parents for everything they’ve done for you. They have poured their heart, soul, blood, sweat, tears, their everything into you so that you can have a wonderful life. It may be hard to see it sometimes but you are cherished by them. And if you are a parent, thank you for doing your best. You’ve taken on a tremendous responsibility and you are doing great. Your child is the most precious thing you’ll ever have, and you are the most important part of their life. You are the key to their success. Thank you for looking out for them. It may be hard to see it sometimes, but we are grateful.

Read other articles by Dolores Hans