heard the bells of Christmas Day; their old
familiar carols play, and wild and sweet the
word repeat of peace on earth, good will to
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1802-1882)
For the month of
December, temperatures will be average with
Precipitation to be average as well.
Weather Watch:
Light snow or rain (1,2) with fair and cool
temperatures (3,4). Remaining cool with
periods of rain or snow showers
(5,6,7,8,9,10). Partly cloudy and again,
cool (11,12,13,14,15) turning stormy with
rain or snow (16,17,18). Colder, with snow
and stormy skies (19,20). Partly cloudy once
again, rather cold (21,22,23,24,25). Windy
with snow or rain showers at times
Tornado Watch:
No tornado activity forecasted for December,
Full Moon:
December's Full Moon will occur on Monday,
the 4th at 7:25PM. Over the years, Native
Americans referred to it as the Ice-forming
Moon because of the appearance of ice on
lakes and ponds at this time of year. It
also has been known as that Beaver Moon
because, with hibernation season rapidly
approaching, beavers are quite active now,
working to complete their dams and lodges so
that yearlings and kits can be protected
during the coming Winter.
Special Notes:
If sending Christmas packages through the
mail, make sure to send them early and to
notify recipients when the packages will
arrive. Tip: always insure valuable gifts
against breakage, damage, or loss, for their
full replacement value.
Celebrate Christmas on Monday, December 25th
and have a wonderful and safe New Year!
Enjoy family and friend during this festive
time and try to keep that joyful and giving
spirit alive throughout the coming year.
The Garden:
Adopt a poinsettia this season! Few plants
are as colorful and festive. Be sure to
place it near a warm, sunny window (but do
not let it touch the glass!). Water only
when soil is dry to the touch. To enjoy for
another season, stop watering and store in a
cool place after the leaves drop off. In the
Spring, water and cut stems back to 6" tall.
Also pinch back new growth. This will make
for a more compact plant with denser blooms.
From October to blooming season, place in
dark closet for 12 hours each night. Expose
to sunlight or place under a grow light for
the other 12. Enjoy!
J. Grubers'
Thought for Today's Living:
"To give of yourself
is perhaps the most precious gift of all"
of Past Month's Entries