Even when all my body sleeps
I shall remember yet
The wistfulness that April keeps
When boughs at dusk are wet
Louis Ginsberg (1895-1976)
Mid-Atlantic Regional Weather Watch: Fair and cool (1,2,3,4) with rain or snow (5,6,7). Fair and quite mild (8,9,10) turning cooler (11,12,13,14). Showers (15,16,17); fair and mild again (18,19) with more showers and storms (20,21,22). Again, fair and mild (23,24,25,26,27) with rain
and stormy weather (28,29,30).
Full Moon: April's Full Moon rises at 7:18AM on the 28th. Many Native Americans referred to it as Pink Moon because of the many flowers and trees begin to bloom during the month of April. It is also has been known as FISH MOON because fishing starts to improve as the weather warms.
Special Notes: Thursday, April 22nd is Earth Day. Call The Earth Day Network at 202.518.0044 or got to www.earthday.net for green activities that will help to preserve our struggling planet.
Holidays: Easter in 2010 is on Sunday, April 4th. Spend the day with family, friends, and neighbors but sure to make time to attend church. Enjoy this time of rebirth and celebrate the coming of Spring. Believe it or not, it's right around the corner!
The Garden: Spring has been officially here since March 21st and the weather will be getting warmer soon. Spend those warmer days outside removing debris from garden beds. Check trellis and support wires on climbers before the plants are fully developed. Winds, frost and snow can
often dislodge supports during the winter. Set out annuals, perennials, and other bedding plants in late April and remember to apply a balanced fertilizer appropriate for your soil. Plant shrubs, such as Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Spiraea, and Viburnums for late Spring color. Get the lawn ready by treating it with
pre-emergent crabgrass killer right after forsythia bloom. If you plan on starting a new lawn from seed, start preparing the soil now. Rake the surface level and add a general fertilizer.
J. Grubers' Thought for Today's Living:
"A wise man often says little while observing much; the fool observes little while talking a lot"
Index of Past Month's Entries