Non-Profit Internet Source for News, Events, History, & Culture of Northern Frederick & Carroll County Md./Southern Adams County Pa.


February 2012

There is no instinct like that of the heart.
Lord Byron (1788-1824)

Mid-Atlantic weather watch: Snow in the northern part of the region, rain in the south (1,2,3). Fair, rather cold (4,5,6,7,8,9). Nor’easter with (15,16,17). Cloudy, milder (18,19,20,21) with more snow and rain (22,23,24). Fair, cool (25,26,27) with continued fair weather, windy and colder (28,29).

Full Moon: The full moon for February, 2012 will occur on the 7th at 4:54 EST. It was originally named Hunger Moon because many Native Americans living in cold and temperate climates had great difficulty finding food during this month. It has also been referred to as Wolf Moon because so many wolf packs would boldly wander closer and closer to villages and camps in search of something to eat.

Holidays: Look for "Punxsutawney Phil" to make his much anticipated prediction on the coming of Spring on Thursday, February 2nd. Do something really spectacular for your special someone this Valentine’s Day, Tuesday, February 14th. Be sure to show your love and appreciation to that one individual who completes you. The birthdays of Lincoln (Sunday, February 12th) and Washington (Wednesday, February 22nd) are both remembered on President’s Day, Monday, February 20th. Shrove Tuesday falls on February 21st this year and marks the beginning of Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday is celebrated on Wednesday, February 22nd.

The Garden: Begin uncovering perennials, especially if you live in areas where Spring comes early. Begin to do some light pruning on those days when you can smell Spring. Make sure to seal all cuts well. Don’t get rid of too many low-hanging evergreen boughs, though. You may need them to protect ground plants from that late-winter blizzard. Cut branches of flowering shrubs like forsythia, pussy willow, quince, and magnolia and bring inside for forcing. Stay away from birches and maple for now; they often bleed sap when cut this time of year. They should be pruned in late Summer or early Fall. Keep tabs on your houseplants. Make sure they are getting enough humidity. Start feeding them again once they begin to show signs of new growth. And please, remember to feed the birds!

J. Grubers' Thought for Today's Living:

"There’s beauty all around us when there’s love at home"

Index of Past Month's Entries