November 2015
"Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year;
to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart
of gratitude will allow.
Edward Sandford Martin (1856-1939)
Mid-Atlantic Weather Watch: Showers, windy lake effect snow (1, 2, 3) turning fair and cold (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). Showers in the southern part of the region, then snow mainly north (12, 13, 14, 15; fair and cold 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22) with periods of snow, rain in the south (23, 24, 25,
26, 27); fair and cold again (28, 29, 30).
Full Moon: November’s Full Moon occurs on the 25th. Colder days and heavy frosts have killed off most of the grasses and all of the leaves have now fallen which is why most Native Americans called it Dying Grass Moon and Falling Leaf Moon. Some tribes called it Big Wind Moon, because of the high winds that would sweep through many
regions this time of year.
Special Note: Remember to turn your clocks back at 2AM on Sunday, November 1st as Daylight Savings ends for this year.
Holidays: Elections are traditionally held on the first Tuesday of November and this year, that will be on Tuesday, November 3rd. Remember, it is everyone’s right to cast a vote and that right should never be squandered away. All military service branches will be honored on Veteran’s Day, which falls on November 11th every year. May
we never forget that without the sacrifices of the millions of servicemen and women in the past and their service now and in the future, we would not have the freedoms to create our own destiny, speak our minds, and practice the religion of our choice. Celebrate Thanksgiving this year on Thursday, November 26th with family and friends and must be thankful every
day for what we have been blessed with in our lives. Advent Sunday is Sunday, November 29th.
The Garden: Place small stakes or markers where you've planted bulbs or late-starting Spring plants in the perennial garden, to avoid disturbing them when you begin Spring soil preparation. If you feel that stakes don't fit your landscape style.... you might consider marking stones with fingernail polish or paint, and set them on the
planting spot (painted side down) Drain your hoses and put them away so they don't freeze and burst. Continue to watch for insect, slug and snail, or disease damage throughout the garden. Take the necessary steps to control the problem. Winter heating dries the air out in your home considerably. Help your house plants survive by misting them or placing the pots on
a pebble filled tray of water to ensure adequate humidity and moisture. Pot up some spring flowering bulbs for indoor color during the winter. Store the pots in a cool, dark place, until new growth emerges from the soil, and then move them to a bright window.
J. Gruber’s Thought For Today’s Living
"Covering the mistakes of others is not necessarily doing them a favor"
Index of Past Month's Entries