January 2017
"Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long
after the excitement of the moment has passed.
Cavett Robert (1907-1997)
Mid-Atlantic Weather Watch: Light snow (1, 2, 3, 4); fair and cold (5, 6, 7, 8). Heavy snow (9, 10, 11, 12) turning fair and very cold (13, 14, 15,). Snow (16, 17) returning to fair and very cold temperatures (18, 19, 20, 21). Snow, heavy in the northern part of the region (22, 23, 24); fair and cool (25,
26, 27) with windy, much colder with lake-effect snow (28, 29, 30, 31).
Full Moon: Many Native Americans referred to January’s full moon as Hunger Moon due to the scarcity of food. It has also been called Wolf Moon because hungry wolf packs inch closer and closer to camps for a chance at some food. It will occur on Thursday, January 12th.
Special Notes: The Town and Country Almanack is now 217 years old! Its founder, John Gruber, would certainly be proud that his humble publication, first published in 1797 and continuously ever since, would be hailed today as not only the second oldest almanac in the United States but be the only almanac in America still be published
by his heirs.
Holidays: New Year’s Day in 2017 falls on Sunday, January 1st but will be observed on Monday, January 2nd. Famed civil rights activist leader, Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15th in 1929. The third Monday of January (January 16th) has been designated as the day of remembrance for this great leader. Remember to take time
to honor him on this day and reflect on the great social changes he brought about in this country and the ultimate sacrifice he made pursuing unity and racial harmony.
The Garden: And now is the time to spoil those indoor plants! Extra watering is required to keep them from drying out indoors. They also need to be rotated periodically to ensure they receive adequate sunlight all around during the winter months. Dust on the foliage can clog the leaf pores, so periodically wipe them with a damp cloth
or a quick shower under the kitchen sprayer. Always use room temperature water when watering or misting your house plants! On cold nights, it is always a good idea to close the curtains or blinds between the window and your house plants. Never place your house plants between the curtain and the window! Make sure that your plants have sufficient humidity, by
setting them on a tray filled with moistened, clean pebbles, or by simply setting a cup of water nearby.
J. Gruber’s Thought For Today’s Living
"The next twelve months offers us a world of promise; it all depends on each one of us and how much we are willing to give of ourselves to help make it a better world"
Index of Past Month's Entries