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Mom's Time Out

A hopeful New Year

Mary Angel

(1/2021) 2021 – We made it! Can you believe the year we went through? The year started with this unknown virus killing people in other countries, with many people in the US believing it would never come here. Then it started trickling in like a crack in a dam, until the dam could hold it back no longer and kaboom the dam broke loose. Hundreds of thousands of people have died this year in our country alone. Schools and business have shut down, and that is not to mention all the racial unrest. For me, I know it has been an extremely stressful year. That being said, I have personally seen the toll it has taken on my kids.

Kids have endured their schools closing, which at the start excited many of them. They have experienced parents losing jobs and even the death of a family member or friend. As time has gone on, they have learned, even though they mostly had contact with friends through texts and apps, they now realize how important human interaction is. I am not a conspiracy theorist and I do believe this is real and I have seen firsthand the devastation this virus can cause. I also believe the shutdowns and limitations on schools and businesses were necessary and that we all have a responsibility to care about our neighbor and make the best of things and support (with takeout, curbside, gift card purchases and distanced shopping) the businesses that have been affected. Enough about last year, though!

The New Year is a sign of a new beginning and a fresh start. Although the virus is still here and we still need to be cautious, we know so much more about it and are well on our way to a vaccine. My kids often say, "2021 has to be better than 2020, right?" My response always involves some form of "YES" and "but" and an explanation. We do know so much more about the virus and we are going to see several vaccines come out at the beginning of the new year, but things aren’t going to go right back to the way they were and that is okay.

My kids have learned to cherish the limited time and human contact they have with friends and family. One of my daughter’s good friends ended up having to get tested for COVID-19 (her whole family did because her dad was exposed at work). They all tested negative and she called my daughter and asked her if she could see her. What a blessing in disguise that was for both of them. They exchanged Christmas gifts and visited and laughed and simply enjoyed one another’s company. Dare I say, they may have appreciated this visit more than any trip to the mall or video game session they had ever had before.

One thing that has impressed me about my kid’s friends is their understanding and compassion for the situation my kids are in. Some of their friends don’t wear masks, they don’t practice social distancing, they don’t even necessarily believe this is a big deal, but they respect the fact that my kids do. Their friends, regardless of their own beliefs, allow my kids to have their own opinion and they respect that it is not the same as their own. They all understand that my kids have grandparents (both with COPD) living in their house and they don’t hesitate to do what ever will make my kids feel more comfortable about when they are around them. It’s funny as I say this out loud; I think there are a lot of adults (especially in an election year) that could learn from these children.

Going into the new year, my children are super excited for a vaccine so they can go back to school and can start seeing everyone more often. They acknowledge that not all their friends will get a vaccine right away, some not at all. They will try to respect the decisions of others just as they have done for them. They don’t even care about wearing a mask, they said it is kind of nice in the winter. My kids just want to be social and most of them learn better when they are in school and not at home on shotty internet. I actually asked my kids what they are most excited to do when there is a widely available vaccine. My boys want to go have a meal with friends outside of our house.

My girls want to go shopping and not have me say, "No Way!" and turn the car around when I see how many cars are in the parking lot. They all want to have friends over to watch a movie and eat some popcorn. It really is the basic stuff. My husband is looking forward to spending time with our friends without worry about spreading the virus. I am looking forward to seeing my best friend (who has multiple health risks in her household) and taking my mom for a drive.

As 2020 closed, it left with it a year of fear, worry, and pain. It also left a time to slow down and appreciate the blessings we all have. I hope as a vaccine comes out and we look forward to the new normal, we don’t lose sight of the simpler time into which we were forced. Instead, I hope we take those memories and continue to enjoy time at home, a slower time with our families. I know the new year will not be perfect and it will probably not start off any differently than last year ended, but it will bring with it hope. It will bring hope for change, hope for better health, and hope for a brighter future.

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