Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland

Public Hearing Minutes
Emmitsburg Town Office
April 30, 2002


Mr. Hoover pointed out the receipt of a letter from NETC re their expansion plans and how it affects us. He would like to contact Ron Face and Ed Joy, prior to this 30 day deadline, to retrace conversations. All council members agreed to have a discussion with them to also discuss tap/service fees. Commissioner Hoover instructed the town manager to gather some dates from NETC now so that when the council meets Monday it can set a date. The Mayor recommended that the council should contact and involve Senators Sarbanes and Mulculski with all this correspondence henceforth. Mr. Boyle added that Representative Bartlett should also be included.



Two additional tiered water and sewer rates were approved for implementation beginning July 1, 2002 at the March 2002 meeting and this item is to approve the subsequent required ordinance to allow these rates.

MOTION: To accept Ordinance 02-06 amending Title 13, Public Services of the Code of Emmitsburg which introduces two additional tiered water and sewer rates. VOTE: 4-0 in favor of the motion.


To offer residents some financial relief, the "annual sewer and garbage bill" is being recommended to be billed as a one-half amount semiannually.

MOTION: To approve Ordinance 02-07 amending Title 13, Public Services of the Code of Emmitsburg which alters the billing frequency of the minimum sewer charge and the garbage contract charge from annually to semiannually. VOTE: 4-0 in favor of the motion


Town Manager David Haller presented to the council this resolution to effect a local real property tax increase of $.06 for fiscal year 2003. He explained that this increase is needed to balance the general fund side of the budget. Emmitsburg's assessed base increased this year from $79,372,121 to $84,596,100 but this is due in large to an increased base, not an increased assessment for the existing base. Therefore, the Town has more units (residential and commercial) and more citizens to serve, so a "constant yield" can not support this year's increased needs.  MOTION - To approve Resolution 02-03R which sets the real property tax rate at $.36 per $100 of assessed value. VOTE: 4-0 in favor


The Mayor addressed the public regarding the fiscal year 2003 budget. His comments included the acknowledgment of an increase of $316,00 in the real property assessed tax base and the six cents tax rate increase. He commented that this is the first budget which reflects an enterprise accounting whereby the general fund no longer pay the costs of future water and sewer infrastructure. He added that this budget reflects the growth of the town in different ways. During his tenure as Mayor he has seen the debt service dip to 12% and is a bit disappointed that it is now back to 19%.


Mr. Haller highlighted the budget prepared by staff pursuant to the input and comments of the Mayor and Council who, he expressed, have been wonderful in "allowing the separation of enterprise operations which many towns over this state have been struggling to do." He added that the sewer and water departments are self supporting to include appropriated debt service and funding the town's portion of the Mountain View Road water line replacement project. The Mayor commented that the debt has always been a major concern of his but not of the Council's–that twenty cents out of every tax dollar now goes for debt. MOTION - To approve the fiscal year 2002-2003 budget as presented. VOTE: 4-0 in favor


Mayor Carr mentioned the Frederick County Dept. of Parks and Recreation recognition dinner and plaque awarded to the Town for support of the after school program. He spoke of the summer youth program that the Town is supporting this year and reported that the response to solicitation of donations from area businesses has been good. He expressed that he hopes that the Town continues to support the youth program.

Also, the Mayor requested that the Town respond to the recent fire losses of 2 families in Emmit Gardens and to the weather disaster in La Plata. He expressed his hope that the new council will

consider some help–maybe instead of dollars, providing town labor could be considered–he would like to see it on the next agenda.