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From the Desk of
County Council Candidate (District 5)
 Kirby Delauter

(4/2014) As I read in an article titled "Vacancy rises at Federated Charities" in the March 22nd edition of the Frederick News-Post, this is the first time in a long time that this building that is rented to non-profits at a reduced rate is not at 100% occupancy. They stated that the tough economic conditions are some of the reasoning for a reduction in their reduced rate leased space. I tend to agree with them. This economy that is now going on its 54th month of lackluster activity has taken its toll on even the best of companies. The average recession is 18 - 24 months in duration. This extended downturn in our economy with no end in sight does not bode well for the taxpayer or business in general.

There is a saying that I often think of when I'm having a bad day, and that saying is, "Adversity introduces us to ourselves." It's easy to skip along through life when things are going well, all the while thinking you're the smartest person in the room, but what about the times when things aren't so good? It can be a humbling experience. It will make you think about where you've been and where you're going. Who are you? What is your character? Do you have a moral compass?

All of these questions are easy when life is good; it's when life throws you those inevitable curveballs, when adversity strikes, that is when we get introduced to our true self. That is when we find out who we really are.

In keeping with the theme of this edition of the paper, I’d like to talk about "Paying it Forward." As noted by the Managing Editor of this paper on page 2, “Paying it Forward” is where you can do a nice thing for a total stranger. The concept is to focus on everyone but yourself.

As the Frederick Community is known for Christmas Cash for Kids, or many other causes such as the Patty Pollatos Fund which is operated brilliantly by Debbie Williams and The Community Foundation, all of these entities concentrate on the needs of people in our community of Frederick County. It is your choice to give to the charity of your choice; it is not the government's responsibility to extract money from your wallet and decide who is lucky enough to receive those funds. You should make that decision out of your own free will.

What would you think if you were eating at a restaurant and the service was terrible, you pay your bill, walk out without leaving a tip, and are stopped before you leave and told by a government bureaucrat that you are required to leave a tip? That would not only diminish the server's self-worth, but it would also create resentment by you, toward the server. Now, if you have good service and you are able to tip out of your own free will, you feel great, the server's self-worth is satisfied and the free market just created two people who will try harder, do better and provide greatness without one single taxpayer cent being spent on their cause.

The same goes for "Paying it Forward.” This allows you to decide when and where you want to make a difference in this world. Do you tip a waiter/waitress well who went above and beyond? Do you help a family who just hit hard times? Do you give to a charity of your choice? Do you pay a toll for the person behind you? Do you buy a coffee for a military person? The list goes on and it's your choice. There is no government program that can take the place of random acts of kindness or just plain community involvement.

Remember that the next time someone comes out and says our government isn't doing enough. It's not up to the government. It's up to you to make your own way and assist others when you can. Pay it forward; it works every time!

Read other articles from Frederick County Commissioners