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From the Desk of
County Executive Jan Gardner

(9/2019) Autumn Highlights the Bounty of Our Agricultural Heritage

The cool days of autumn are right around the corner! That means it’s time for community shows. These longstanding traditions are a great time to bid on some tasty baked goods, watch the FFA students show their livestock, and catch up with old friends!

This year’s festivities kick off with the Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show from September 6th through the 8th at Catoctin High School. This is the largest community show in Maryland! The 2019-20 Catoctin FFA Chapter Ambassador will be announced Friday evening. There will be special recognition of two important community institutions, the American Legion, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary, and the Seton Center, which is marking 50 years. The weekend is full of fun family activities, including log-sawing and peddle tractor contests.

The following weekend is the start of the 157th Great Frederick Fair. Bring the family to see the animals, enjoy the rides, food, and fun. More importantly, help to promote agriculture in Frederick County! Fair Day on September 20th is an excellent opportunity to educate the next generation about our rich agricultural history.

Once the fair wraps up, there is still one more opportunity to display crafts, food, and animals. The Glade Valley Community Show takes place from September 25th through the 27th at Walkersville High School.

Powered by the Sun!

Frederick County is powered by the sun and leading the way on renewable energy! A few weeks ago, we commissioned a new solar array at the Reichs Ford Road Landfill that will generate enough renewable energy to supply nearly 20% of the county’s general electric usage.

We are using that electricity to power seven county-owned facilities, including the building that houses the Emmitsburg Library, Senior Center, and Town Offices. The coolest part is that our electric buses are being charged using solar energy from the array. That means the buses are running on 100 percent renewable energy! We are the only county in the region doing this.

The array is also providing power for Winchester Hall, the Frederick Senior Center, the landfill's scale house, and two additional public libraries: the C. Burr Artz Library and the Urbana Regional Library.

With 7,776 panels sitting on nearly 14 acres, we expect the solar array to produce more than 3 ½ million kilowatt hours of electricity a year. For the next 20 years, we can access the renewable power at a fixed rate, saving the County between $248,000 and $500,000. TESLA Energy is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the array.

The project is a win-win-win for Frederick County! We are using a closed section of the landfill that can't be used for other projects. TESLA paid to construct the array. And taxpayers are saving money on the cost of energy.

This project ensures that Frederick County is poised for a bright future for generations to come!

Vote for Adventure

Two Frederick County communities are in the running to be named top spots for adventure. Cast your vote in Blue Ridge Outdoors’ 9th annual Top Adventure Towns showdown. Thurmont is competing in the Small Town category, and the City of Frederick is in the Medium Town category.

Some of the activities that the contest features are hiking to Cunningham Falls, bicycling through covered bridges, soaring through a zipline course, picking fruits at Catoctin Mountain orchard, and walking along Carroll Creek Park.

The contest runs through September 23rd. Winners will be featured in the November issue of Blue Ridge Outdoors. You can cast a vote every 24 hours by going to

Whether you enjoy exploring outdoors, in a library, or at the local fair, September in northern Frederick County promises fun for everyone!

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