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From the Desk of
County Councilman Phil Dacey

(1/2021) Hope everyone had safe and healthy holidays. As we embark on the new year I see reason for hope and optimism in Frederick County. Health care providers have started receiving the COVID-19 vaccine as we work our way back toward normal. So many people have been impacted in so many ways by this virus that it will be years before we will be fully free from its effects. For now, though, the clouds are beginning to lift.

In December, the Frederick County Council had a productive conversation with the Board of Education. While the Board of Education is an independently elected body, some people may not realize that over ½ of the county budget is sent to the Board of Education for use in the schools. It is vitally important for the Council to take an interest in where and how this money is being spent. The main topics of discussion were how the Board plans to return students, teachers, and staff to a safe learning environment in the schools. Information presented was that 70% of parents with children in the system would take advantage of the hybrid learning model, (some in person schooling, some virtual).

In fact, many parents have made the choice to either send their children to private schools or to homeschool their children. With the county growing, there was a projected increase of thousands of new students entering Frederick County Public Schools. However, actual numbers show a decrease of more than 200 enrolled students for this school year, meaning that thousands of parents have decided to make arrangements other than full virtual learning.

Frederick County Public Schools have been preparing to send students back since this summer. I can assure parents, the plan is thorough and well thought out. A final decision on when to implement the beginning of the hybrid model will be made by the Superintendent. It is important to stress that classroom sizes will be reduced with only ½ of the students returning at one time. It will be further limited by the fact that families will be making the decisions that are best for them in their circumstances. Up to 30% of families may choose to keep their children in all virtual learning.

I know that many educators, staff, and students are eagerly anticipating the return to in-person learning. It is my continuing hope that we can do so safely in January.

On other news from the Council, the County Council in December approved a Frederick City Annexation of property in the Route 40 area (near WFMD).

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