(3/1) University of Maryland Extension Frederick County Master Gardeners are volunteers who love gardening and have been specially trained to help other gardeners. Our mission is to educate Maryland residents about safe, effective and sustainable horticultural practices that build healthy gardens, landscapes, and communities. UMEFC Master Gardeners present the following
FREE seminars for the general public, beginning and advanced gardeners alike. Register online at www.extension.umd.edu/frederick-county or calling Lisa at 301-600-1595.
March 5 - Guide to Growing Gorgeous Houseplants. Houseplants, like many of us, tend to limp through the last weeks of winter—if they make it at all! Learn plant selection and siting basics, maintenance and problem-solving tips to keep your indoor greenery at its lushest now and throughout the year. We’ll also show propagation techniques and hope to pass on a cutting or two
from our potted favorites to attendees.
March 19 - Ten Things You Can Do for the Bay. Did you know that what you do around your house, on your property and in your garden eventually finds its way to the Chesapeake Bay? Come and learn some helpful hints to save this national treasure.