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From the Desk of School Board
 Candidate Jason Johnson

(11/1) I am running to ensure that going forward Frederick County Public Schools will excel at inspiring its learners, not only to meet the challenges posed by educational standards, but those posed by the world. As a member of the Board of Education, I will seek to initiate and support programs that place our students in positions of state, national and global leadership. I will support our educators in teaching our students how to problem-solve in order to express their gifts in a way that prepares them for success in a world with demands we have yet to encounter.

For over 15 years, I have served as an educational leader in and out of the classroom.

During my tenure as a Science Educator with FCPS, I pioneered the countyŐs participation in the Science Olympiad program. I had the privilege of leading a host of students to recognition as state and national award winners. Later, I became the Science Olympiad Director for Frederick County, where I supported and trained teachers, provided rigorous opportunities for growth to students and brought national prominence to FCPS.

Currently, I facilitate student growth in the classroom, teaching Computer Science. My position connects me directly to what students and teachers face on a daily basis. This unique perspective will inform my decision-making and ensure that I remain relevant. As a member of the Board of Education, I will not fail in putting all of my experience to work for the students, parents and educators of Frederick County.

I will promote and support policies that enthusiastically connect our students to their education. Our students need to know that the skills they are learning each day have real world value that connect to the activities, causes and professions they value. Our students need to hear this message from not only their educators, but from the community! I will champion policies that interconnect businesses, universities, and professional groups with our students so that they are in position to make an impact on the world, now. Our students should be exposed to mentors who are success stories in their field, to internships, conventions and fairs that place them at the forefront of modern achievement.

As a member of the Board of Education, I will actively engage the students of Frederick County Public Schools to take their place as leaders in the nation and the world.

I thank you in advance for your support.

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