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From the Desk of School Board
 Candidate Lois Jarman

(9/27) I am running to retain my current seat on Frederick County’s Board of Education. In January 2019, I was appointed by the County Executive to complete the term of Ken Kerr, who was elected as a State Delegate. One of my goals since joining the board has been to work towards meeting the needs of the whole student, not just the academic student. Our FCPS students come to the classroom from a myriad of experiences and backgrounds and we need to provide an environment for them that enables them to learn. I believe that providing more in terms of mental health care and reducing the number of students in a classroom will enable us to meet the social and emotional needs of our students. I think that FCPS is beginning a move in the right direction.

As a parent of two FCPS graduates, I held offices in the Parent/Teacher Organization, logged over 1,000 volunteer hours, led the efforts to create the Brunswick High School wrestling team, and participated in organizing many school fundraisers.

I have been an advocate for teachers while on the board. I spent 17 years as an FCPS world language teacher (11 of those years were at Catoctin High School), writing curriculum and assessments in summer workshops, advising clubs, traveling to Europe with student groups. I received my doctorate in 2011 and my research led to the revision of FCPS’s long-term CRES scoring rubric which I helped write.

This year has been a very difficult year for our schools. The board has had to make some very difficult decisions. These decisions, however, were based on our best efforts to serve our students and the people of Frederick County.

I am running for another term on the BOE so that I can continue to work towards offering the best environment for our students, teachers, and staff, and build great community schools. I hope that you will cast your vote for me.

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