Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland




June 2, 2014

Emmitsburg Town Office



Present:  Mayor Donald Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Christopher Staiger, Jennifer Mellor, Glenn Blanchard and Tim O’Donnell, President.

Staff present were Vickie Felix; Cole Tabler, Town Accountant and Dave Haller, Town Manager.


I.       Call to Order

Commissioner Tim O’Donnell, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the June 2, 2014 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the May 19, 2014 Town Meeting were approved as presented.


Commissioner Comments

Commissioner(s) cited attendances to include the Mother Seton Carnival. They thanked deputies for their service at the carnival.  Recognition was made on the work being done on the square - glad to see grant money being used and most of the garden plots are being utilized which is encouraging. 


Mayor’s Comments

Mayor Briggs commented that there are four properties so far that are participating in the Community Legacy grant. Flyers will be posted around town to advertise the grant.  He cited the meetings attended to include the Parks Committee meeting; Community Heritage Day meeting; meeting with Boy Scout troop 727 at the Scott Farm and meeting with the Sustainable Maryland Certified Administrator.


Administrative Business

·         Need 25 chairs for June 13th concert in the park

·         Volley ball court needs to be turned over

·         Tennis court –area that gets like a sludge slippery muddy area - unsafe

·         Mowing and weed control across from Jubilee

·         Weed control needed at median along Silo Hill Parkway

·         Grass around soccer goals on field behind Community Building need trimmed

·         Connection from Mount Saint Mary’s to the Town i.e. sidewalk/trail. Mayor would like to proceed and investigate with Boards approval. Unanimous consent by Board.

·         Community Gardens – clean between garden beds


Consent Agenda

Appoint Keith Suerdieck to Planning Commission

Motion made by Commissioner Sweeney and second by Commissioner Mellor.

                                      Vote 5-0 in favor



Treasurer’s report – Commissioner Blanchard reported on May 2014 cash activity. Detailed report at Exhibit A.


Planning Commission - Commissioner Sweeney reported that the planning commission met on May 27, 2014 . They accepted Mr. Adams resignation letter; went over the subdivision and additional plans for the Hobbs’s property; went over site plan for Dollar General Store and requested that they stay within the towns architectural guidelines.


II.           Agenda Items


Budget Transfer related to Emmitsburg Little League

At the last town meeting there was a request for a $1,000 contribution for Emmitsburg Baseball press box repair. In the FY2014 budget Parks, Recreation and Culture department there is an unused amount of $1,000 budgeted for Capital Outlay designated specifically for ball fields.  It is recommended by Town staff that this line is utilized for this purpose in the current fiscal year if so approved by the Commissioners. There was unanimous consent from the Board for staff to use the available money designated for ball fields instead of a budget transfer. Public Comment: Jeff Topper, 330 North Seton Ave. and Mary Topper, 28 Federal Ave – commented that Emmitsburg will be hosting the state tournament on July 5th and request the presence of the commissioners.


At this time Commissioner Staiger left the town meeting for the evening at 8:12 p.m. Commissioner Sweeney asked Commissioner Staiger if he had anything for the budget. Commissioner Staiger replied “no he was good”.


FY2015 Budget Consideration

This was the second review of the FY 2015 budget. Commissioner O’Donnell asked Board if they had any questions or concerns for town staff.  Mr. Haller entertained questions from the commissioners.  Discussion ensued over some capital improvements. Mayor Briggs would like to bring some things to the Board in the future on ADA improvements. There were some questions involving grants for parks. Mr. Haller stated he sent request to the commissioners to get suggestions. Commissioner Mellor would like to see monies for playground equipment for either Silo Hill or Emmit Gardens. Mr. Haller stated that has already been applied for through POS. Commissioner Mellor asked about the Community Parks and Playgrounds grant. Mr. Haller stated that staff will know what they are getting from POS before the deadline for Community Parks and Playgrounds is needed to be in. Mr. Haller said that the minutes from the Parks committee are suppose to be turned in after every meeting, then staff can use that as a guide; staff had no minutes. Commissioner Mellor interjected that was not true. Mr. Haller asked where they were. Commissioner Mellor replied that she sent them to Ms. Willets; she sent the minutes from the last meeting today. Mr. Haller explained that the minutes are to be put in a notebook. Commissioner Mellor proceeded to state that no one told her the procedure. Mr. Haller stated it is in the town code.  Commissioner O’Donnell asked for the proper procedure for the parks committee meeting minutes. Mr. Haller said he will have someone from staff contact Commissioner O’Donnell and Commissioner Mellor with that information. Commissioner O’Donnell directed staff with the Mayors support to come back to Board with a timeline of items staff is pursuing for the park.  


Motion: to accept the FY 2015 budget as presented.

Motion made by Commissioner Blanchard second by Commissioner Sweeney.                                                      Vote: 4-0 in favor

                                              Commissioner Staiger absent


Set Agenda Items June 16 2014 Town Meeting

1. Update for new WWTP by design and inspection engineers

2. Bicycle Helmet Ordinance   (board would like a deputy here to answer any questions)


There was a brief discussion about putting up the bleachers.  Commissioner Sweeney would like them in before concerts; placed about 50 feet away centered on the bandstand. At this time Mayor Briggs also announced that they are still looking for an alternate for the planning commission.


III.      Public Comments – none  




V.        Adjournment

          With no further business, the June 2, 2014 Town Meeting was adjourned at 9:01 p.m.