June 2
Decoration Day
Decoration Day solve the streets of Emmitsburg resplendent with the national colors and crowds in their holiday clothes. The depleted ranks of the veterans were augmented in the parade by the Vigilant Hose Company, an unusual number of schoolchildren carrying flags and flowers and Emmett Coronet Band. The formal exercises were
held in the high school building, following which the line of march to the cemetery was taking up. The customary service, according to the Grand Army ritual, and Lincoln's Gettysburg speech or read and the graves decorated.
Emerald Open There Hall
The new hall erected by the Emerald Beneficial Association and Literary Society was formally opened last Sunday afternoon. An audience of members and their friends comfortably filled the room. The decorations were tastefully arranged and the presiding officer’s place was a bow or a bunting in the national colors in the green
emblem of the Association. From the four corners long streamers of yellow and white, the papal colors, were gathered together in the center of the ceiling.
Mr. Breichner presided and welcomed the guest and members in the name of the society. He then introduced Father Hayden of St. Joseph’s, who made two suggestions to the Association, which he asked them to consider. The first had reference to the social side of the organization’s work and the speaker advised the Emeralds to have
the hall open every day where they may gather to enjoy games and meaningful fellowship. The second suggestion was to use the books now the priest house for the beginning of a parish library and as the foremost social organization of the Paris the Emeralds were asked to give their support. Father Tragessor of St. Anthony’s Parish was then introduced
and in a few words he complemented the Association on their new hall.
14 Graduate from High School
Never before in the history of the local high school had the closing exercises and so elaborate and so well carried out. The beginning of the series of public meetings was on Sunday, May 21, when Mr. Gluck preached the sermon to the graduates. This was followed by the annual banquet at the Emmit House last Saturday evening.
On this occasion the newly organized high school orchestra made its debut. Under the able and painstaking leadership of Mr. Warrenfeltz this organization has grown in efficiency until it may be truthfully said that musically Emmitsburg is better represented than ever before. On Monday evening the literary society of the school
gave a public meeting in the Opera House and the building was comfortably filled with friends and patrons of the institution. A very elaborate program was given, generously interspersed with music by the orchestra.
Burning Smokehouse Endangers Other Buildings
The fire bell rang yesterday afternoon at around three o’clock. Mr. Philip Lawrence’s smokehouse, immediately adjoining the Elder Building was on fire. A stream of water was soon playing on the building and by the time the flames were out little damage had been done. The proper response of the firemen prevented a serious
blaze. Mr. Lawrence greatly appreciated the work of the firemen and states his loss, due to their quick response, was almost nothing.
June 9
Local Improvements
Another improvement that will soon be enjoyed by Emmitsburgans will be the new concrete sidewalk leading to the railroad station. For years pedestrians have been forced to wade through mud and stumble over worn-out bricks and flagstones on their way to trains and at last this discomfort is to be done away with. The town has
passed an ordnance requiring all property owners from the square to the stations to have cement pavements and the Emmitsburg Railroad has voluntarily agreed to continue to work up to its buildings. The new station is most creditable to the railroad and a decided improvement to the town. When the long stretch of modern sidewalk is finished, connecting
with a wide cement approach already laid by the railroad company, the southern entrance to town will be greatly beautified.
Death of Isaac Percher
Death removed one of the most prominent citizens of Liberty Township when Isaac Percher breathed his last on Monday. Had Mr. Percher lived until today he would have been just 70 years of age. His death was indirectly caused by the hardships he endured during the Civil War. Mr. Percher lived his entire life on the farm on which
he was born. Early in the 60s he enlisted and fought for the freedom of slaves. During his military career, to the hardships of the war he contracted an ailment, which contributed towards his last and fatal illness.
In his community he was held in the highest esteem. For 25 years he taught school, was a school director, Justice of the Peace, and prominent Democrat, taking a leading part in politics. He was a man with many strong characteristics and great interest in public education. Patriotic and liberal in spirit, he presented the
Emmitsburg high school with a lofty flagpole that graces the schoolyard. His grandson, Lawrence Mordorff graduated from this institution this year with high honors.
Big Improvements on Frederick Street
Contracts for 1100 feet of concrete paving, to be laid between the Hotel Spangler and the creamery have been let to Mr. Charles Ryder. Mr. Rider has just finished the work at the depot were wide concrete pavement and platform has been laid. This improvement to the sidewalk on this approach to town will be as greatly
appreciated as it was needed.
Reception at Mr. and Mrs. Hokes
Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoke were given a reception at their home at Appolds. A special train from Emmitsburg took about 50 persons to the function. The Vigilant Hose Company, of which Mr. Hoke is president, attended in full uniform, as did the Emmitsburg band.
June 16
Severe Storm Ravages County
The severe storm on Saturday evening, while it did little damage here, was more destructive to throughout the County than any so far this year. Telephone and trolley wires were crossed in Frederick, animals were killed by the charge wires and one man was severely stunned. A barn was struck near Walkersville. The wind was
particularly violent in and around Creagerstown. The Reformed Church at Middletown was slightly damaged and many trees were blown down.
Firemen’s Picnic
Arrangements are about ready for the Firemen’s Picnic to be held on July 4. The attractions will be better than ever at a large crowd will attend. All that is needed now to ensure a pleasant day to those who tend is the weather.
Notice and Warning
A warning is hereby issued to those who have made a public dumping ground of the lots immediately adjoining the Lutheran hitching grounds. Arrest and prosecution will follow any further throwing of papers, dead animals and other trash on these grounds
June 23
Good Ball Game Spoiled by Rain
The return game with Fairfield was played on last Saturday afternoon at Fireman’s Park. While Emmitsburg won decisively 11 to 3, the pleasure of the victory was dampened by the rain, which is directly accountable for the numerous runs and more numerous errors. Up to this time when the ball became a mop the game was nip and
tuck with no scoring on either side and no errors. After that the side that won was the one that had the most luck in handling the ball which felt as if it were covered with eel skin.
June 30
The Safe and Sane Fourth
First of all spend your Fourth in Emmitsburg. Why? Because in the first place it’s the only sane thing to do, and in the second place it will be worth your while. The firemen will have a big time on that day. They always do. There will be the annual picnic, and that means more fun, more real enjoyment then can be had by
leaving town or in any other way. And then the proceeds from the affair- and this is worth bearing in mind- will be applied towards paying the balance due on firemen’s Park, a public park of Emmitsburg.
Everyone in the community is or ought to be interested in the Vigilant Hose Company and every person in town should show loyalty to that organization by patronizing the big festival on Independence Day. There’ll be amusements for young and old and sports aplenty. The big Parade alone is worth seeing; but that is only a
starter. The festivities will open up at the park and from early until late something interesting will be going on. If you are fond of music you will find it there. If you care for dinner you will have a chance to get one- the very best meal you ever ate- right on the grounds.
The children will be happy there on the merry-go-rounds and playing games. At night a firework display will illuminate the whole park and the bands will serenade the whole assembly. Be safe, be sane! Attended the Fourth of July picnic and have the time of your life.
Emmitsburg Valuation Increased
The taxable basis, according to the latest assessment, for the Emmitsburg district shows $1,383,473 as against $1,125,997 of last year. The tax levy has been fixed for the coming year at $.88 per $100 of assessed value. Last year it was $1.19 per $100 of assessed value.
Read Prior '100 Years Ago this Month'
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