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100 Years Ago This Month

January 1916

January 7

Letters To The Editor

Will someone tell the people of this town where the policeman and his deputies were on New Year’s Eve? Since Halloween, how many nights have been made hideous in Emmitsburg by the drunken rowdysim of men and boys of this and nearby towns? On New Year’s Eve, worshipers in church were not allowed to go unmolested as during the service a terrible blast was set off so near the sacred edifice that it was frightful. This conduct was kept up until almost daylight. If there was one arrest made during the night of hideous noise, no one seems to have heard of it, and in each case the rowdies were known. There never was the slightest doubt as to their identity. We should call a meeting and impress upon the town fathers the necessity of administering local affairs in accordance with the views of those who love law and order. – Signed, Concerned Citizen

I am one of the many awakened on New Year’s night. Where was our town constable? The town seems to be given over to outlaws. Part of their conversation is most assuredly as follows: "Where is the cop? The cop is a drunk and a coward and is afraid to come out. Let’s go downtown and wake them up. Thurmont boys come to Emmitsburg and did as they please and so will we." Will you please tell me if this cannot be stopped? Our town is certainly getting a fine reputation. – Signed, M

Thurmont Planning For Farmer’s Institute

Excessive preparations are being made in Thurmont for the Farmers’ Institute, which will be held there this month. Necessary steps are being taken to ensure even a better Institute for this year. Prominent speakers will be secured, and every effort will be put forth to make it the best yet held in Thurmont. As this Institute will be the nearest to Emmitsburg, and Emmitsburg has no Institute of its own, it will be in the interest of the farmers in this district to attend the Thurmont Institute.

January 14

Boozers Establish Drinking Rules

In an effort to separate themselves from out of town rowdy drunks, the Emmitsburg chapter of the Former Former Boozers Association has told its members that when drunk – which as far as we can tell is all the time – they should refrain from passing out or relieving themselves on Main Street during the day. Passing out or relieving oneself on Main Street at night or on side streets and alleys during the day is ok. Relieving oneself in front of homes of known prohibitionists or suffragists is encouraged. In addition, Boozers are to refrain from shouting that can be heard more than two blocks, unless the shouter is alerting another boozer of the approach of a wife seeking to infringe upon a man’s right to drink or they are trying to annoy known prohibitionists or suffragists. Public singing is also prohibited unless the singer is Irish.

Improve Road Crossings

Why are Emmitsburg's road crossings, which are of excellent workmanship and compare favorably with those of the most progressive in nearby towns, not made to conform more to the grade of our streets? Because of the mounds of earth which extend almost the entire length of each, almost without exception, a single rain makes them streams of water, defeating the purpose for which they were laid and making them a passageway of mud and dirt. A little grating on either side of the crossings on Main Street, the application on the approaches with some crushed limestone, and the cleaning of those crossings after rain or snow would remedy an annoyance to pedestrians, and provide proper roadbed for every form of vehicle.


Last Friday an age tramp by the name of George Cordno was found on the Taneytown Road near Emmitsburg. He was in an exhausted condition and his feet were frozen. On Monday he was taken to Montevue by the local authorities.

Musical Organization Formed

Tuesday night a meeting was held at the schoolhouse for the purpose of organizing a local musical club, a choral society. 25 persons attended and much enthusiasm was manifested. Each person present was requested to ask others to join the society and to extend a cordial invitation to become members to all who are interested in music, even though they may not take an active part. The membership fee is nominal - $0.25 - and the dews are expected to be not over $0.10.

January 21

Library Card Party A Success

One of the most enjoyable entertainments ever given under the auspices of the Emmitsburg library was that of Thursday night - an evening devoted to 500 and Flitch. Through the courtesy of the Emmitsburg Savings Bank, the spacious apartments over the banking rooms were placed at the disposal of the library committee, and here 53 guests assembled. The souvenirs were unusually attractive, the luncheon especially bountiful, and the amount realized far beyond expectations. The courtesy of all those who contributed to make this evening so thoroughly successful is sincerely appreciated by the library committee.

Lawless In Emmitsburg

Reprinted in part from the Carroll Record of Taneytown: "Just how much of the trouble in Emmitsburg is due to the fact that Emmitsburg is a very ‘wet neck’ for the thirsty, we will not attempt to say. It always has been a well-equipped booze town, and now it is enjoying increased patronage to the business that is said to be going away from Taneytown. Emmitsburg's police department is a farce. Now the serious question is - what is Emmitsburg going to do about it?"

Thurmont's New Movie Opens

Thurmont's new motion picture theater, The Gem, will open for the first time tomorrow evening for specially arranged shows will be presented to the public. Each performance will consist of seven reels, the first show starting at seven o'clock, and the second at nine o'clock. The management of the new enterprise has erected and equipped a thoroughly modern motion picture house, and has spared no pains to provide for the comfort and entertainment of its patrons.

January 28

Beds Offered For Taneytown Drunks

In response the letter run in the Carroll Record last week criticizing drinking in Emmitbsurg, the Former Former Boozers have teamed up with local saloons to offer boozers from Taneytown beds to sleep in when they come to town to get drunk. "If Taneytown men want to come to Emmitsburg to get away from nagging wives and spend their hard earned money on our quality ‘mountain shine,’ we’ll be glad to take it. The least we can do is offer them a place to sleep it off," said Dan Glass, head of the Boozer’s Association. The Hotel Slage bar will also run a ‘drunk wagon’ twice nightly to Taneytown for those unfortunate drunks under the yoke of prohibitionist or suffragist wives."

Arrested On Charge Of Forgery

Margaret Dorsey, colored, was arrested Wednesday in Emmitsburg by the County Constable, charged with forging the name of William Frey to a Christmas saving check, which she cashed at the Emmitsburg Savings Bank. She was held on the sum of $100 bail for the action of a grand jury. Frey joined the Christmas savings fund and paid in $9.90. After his death it was charged, the Dorsey woman went to the bank and representing herself as his wife, was given a check for that amount and then cashed it. Dorsey served a as a domestic in Emmitsburg.

Dies From Burns

Miss Etta Binkley, about 27 years old, died Friday night from Burns received the day before while assisting her family at a butchering. The young woman's dress ignited from an open fire. Before the fire could be extinguished she was terribly burned from her waist down, as well as on both arms. A physician was hastily summoned and although conscious to the end, she died of shock.

Iron Bar Wreck Trolley

Officials of the Thurmont and Frederick Railway Co. are determined to conduct a rigid investigation into the wrecking of the Thurmont trolley Tuesday afternoon, where 20 lives were seriously endangered. The wreck occurred near Catoctin and it was believed that the whole affair was carefully planned. A heavy piece of iron was laid squarely on the surface of one of the rails at a point where the motorman could not discern the obstruction until his train was literally upon it. The company said they will offer a liberal reward to anyone giving information that would lead to the arrest and conviction of the guilty parties. It is said that the detectives have a few clues with which to begin their case.

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