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Dallas McNair

Dallas Sonny McNair, 88, of Emmitsburg, died peacefully at his home on January 23, surrounded by his loving family.

Born on June 17, 1931 in Taneytown, he was the son of the late Scott H. McNair and Anna Mae (Stonesifer) McNair. He was predeceased by his loving wife, Mary Ruth (Althoff) McNair in 2015.

Dallas was a life-long dairy farmer in the Emmitsburg area. He was a member of the Thurmont Grange #409, Frederick County soil conservation, Maryland Farm Bureau, and was director for the Thurmont Co-Op for over 30 years. He attended St. Anthony Shrine Parish and was a 65-year Mount St. Maryƕs Basketball fan.

Surviving are son, Edward Dale McNair of Emmitsburg; daughters, Sherry Ramage of Rocky Ridge and Karen Dorsey and husband Keith of Thurmont.

Dallas was buried in the St. Anthony Shrine Cemetery.

Read other obituaries in the Historical Society archives