June 2002
In an effort to better inform the community of Town matters, every month I will be providing a brief summary
statement of the major issues the Town is currently dealing with. When reading the information, if you see something that you would like to
know more about, please contact me, any of your Commissioners or the Town Manager. With the exceptions of legal and personnel matters, we
will be glad to discuss any Town matters with you. If we are not able to answer your questions right away, we will get back to you in a
timely manner!
At our April 30th public hearing the mayor and commissioners
approved the 2002-2003 annul budget. This year the sewer and water expenditures and income were separated from the general fund budget. Now,
the sewer and water departments operate as an enterprise system. This means that all expenses related to the operation of the sewer and
water departments will be paid for through the income generated from the sewer and water bills. The enterprise system will provide dedicated
funds to make improvements to the sewer and water infrastructure such as new water lines.
Also at our Public Hearing, the Emmitsburg property tax rate was set at thirty-six cents per hundred on the assessed
value. Last year's tax rate was thirty cents per hundred. The council also voted to bill the annual sewer and garbage bill semi annually.
This decision was made due to many residents complaining about the annual bill (approximately $375.00) coming at the same time as the July
quarterly water bill. We made this change in effort to lessen the finical burden on those residents. Each year (beginning July 2002) in the
months of July and January residents will be billed one-half of the annual bill. Residents will have up to ninety days to pay each
semi-annually bill.
Also, in an effort to improve communications between the town government and the residents of the town, we will
being to be post general information about Town policy and procedures such as water ban information,
snow emergency plan policy, when you need a building/sign permit, what constitutes a parking violation and how to pay the fine etc.
I look forward to serving you. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the town office, or e-mail
me at mayorhoover@emmitsburgmd.gov Respectfully,
Jim Hoover
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