Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland

Emmitsburg Comprehensive Plan
A General Plan for Emmitsburg, Maryland

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The 1974 Comprehensive Plan for Emmitsburg
Chapter 3: Demographic Element
Chapter 4: Land Use Element
Chapter 5: Transportation Element
Chapter 6: Housing
Chapter 7: Economic Development and Renewal
Chapter 8: Community Design Element
Chapter 9: Community Facilities
Chapter 10: Environment and Sensitive Areas
Chapter 11: Implementation Strategies

Chapter 11: Implementation Strategies


The success of a Comprehensive Plan must be measured in terms of its implementation. Only when the recommendations in the Plan are translated into actions can the goals and policies of a plan be realized.

The Emmitsburg Comprehensive Plan is a road map which, if followed, will lay out a path of sustainability for Emmitsburg into the 21st Century. If fully implemented, the goals and policies contained within the Emmitsburg Comprehensive Plan will permit Emmitsburg to absorb its fair share of regional growth while simultaneously preserving and enhancing the fabric of Emmitsburg. Following adoption of the Emmitsburg Comprehensive Plan, steps must be taken to implement the goals and policies which the Town has endorsed. Some of these steps are very short-term in nature and should be taken immediately or within the very near term (i.e., two to five years). Some of the steps, however, will take longer to accomplish. These long-range actions may take five or more years to adequately implement or to formulate mechanisms to allow for their implementation. These short- and long-term action steps are referred to as Action Recommendations.

Comprehensive Zoning and Text Amendments

A primary means of implementing a Comprehensive Plan is through comprehensive zoning map and text amendments. Under comprehensive zoning, a new zoning map covering all of the properties in the Town is proposed and adopted. The Zoning District proposals should be consistent with the land use proposals contained in the Comprehensive Plan map. The zoning text should incorporate changes that follow the policies and action recommendations contained in the Comprehensive Plan.

Development Review Process

The development review process is another means by which the Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, and action recommendations are implemented. The development review process provides for the identification and protection of sensitive areas, including streams and buffers, floodplains, wetlands, steep slopes, and historic and archaeological resources. Mitigation measures to protect the sensitive resources can be required. Developers are also required to comply with stormwater management, erosion and sediment control requirements, and forest resource retention measures.

Infrastructure improvements are also often required as part of the development review process. The extension of water and sewer lines, and the construction of roads, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks may be required. For large developments, developers may be required to contribute park and greenway linkages, to upgrade a water treatment facility or to make off-site road improvements. Where feasible, sites for public utilities should be obtained through the development review process.

This Plan recommends that the City develop a Design Manual setting forth uniform standards for all public improvements to be made in conjunction with development. The Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations should be updated to facilitate density bonuses and revised standards that are in keeping with the policies enumerated in this Comprehensive Plan. A set of policies to be made for developments on nonconforming lots of record should also be developed.

Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance

Frederick County adopted an Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (i.e., APFO) in 1991. The APFO requires that the roads, water and sewer service, and schools serving a new development be found to have sufficient capacity before development occurs. Under the APFO, a developer is allowed to provide the necessary improvements to make a facility or facilities adequate to serve the development. This Plan recommends that Emmitsburg prepare and adopt an APFO.

Interjurisdictional Coordination

Implementation of the Emmitsburg Comprehensive Plan will require the cooperative efforts of several levels of government. Coordination is particularly important between Emmitsburg and Frederick County, particularly as the County begins to update the Region Plan within the next five years. The Region Plan recommendations, particularly the proposed annexation limits, and land use, transportation, community facilities recommendations for areas currently outside of the current Town limits, should be incorporated into the Region Plan. A close working relationship between the Town and the County Board of Education/Public Schools is particularly important to obtaining a future Middle School in Emmitsburg and in securing necessary improvements to Emmitsburg Elementary School. Coordination between the Town and the County Departments of Planning and Public Works is recommended in the administration of ordinances and in storm water management and public facilities planning.

Interjurisdictional coordination between the Town of Emmitsburg and the State of Maryland is also particularly important in the implementation of the Goals and Policies of this Plan. Environmental regulations administered by the State of Maryland apply to such areas as wetlands, air quality, and water quality. Coordination with State agencies is particularly important in the planning, design, and construction of community facilities such as water treatment plants and lines and sewerage expansion. In terms of transportation, coordination with the Maryland Department of Transportation - State Highway Administration is highly recommended with regard to pedestrian and safety improvements to Main Street/MD 140, in funding for interchanges at Welty Road/North Seton Avenue and at South Seton Avenue/Old Frederick Road.


The following are a list of Action Recommendations. These Action Recommendations focus on specific ordinance changes, studies, or programs which need to be developed to implement the goals and policies contained within this Comprehensive Plan.


  1. The Town shall amend its Zoning Ordinance to support the foil wing land use policies:
    1. Implement a Traditional Neighborhood (TND) Overlay Zoning District which is to be applied to the Historic Village Policy Area and shall be the preferred land use pattern in the emerging residential areas in Emmitsburg. The TND Overlay District should include development-related incentives to foster development that offers pedestrian accessibility, visual character, parks and civic areas, and design elements that are in character with Emmitsburg's traditional built environment incorporating streets and alleys that complement and link with Emmitsburg's existing street system. The TND Overlay District should be flexible with regulations for developers willing t undertake a TND project, including changed street widths, curb radii, building setback and yard requirements, building height and scale and parking requirements.
    2. Effect changes to the Zoning Ordinance to allow density bonuses and other incentives to developers that seek approval for subdivision or site plan designs that promote fully functioning communities. Such designs effectively promote residential neighborhood centers, civic space, and protect environmental and historical features on a site, including dedication of greenway trails, protection of specimen trees or wetlands, and adaptive reuse of historical structures.
    3. Incorporate Community Design Standards in the zoning and subdivision ordinances that address pedestrian-friendly subdivision layouts and street/alley standards for new developments.
  2. The Town should prepare and implement a Greenways and Recreation Plan for Emmitsburg.
  3. The Town should consider adoption of an Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance and apply the provisions of the ordinance to new development proposals within Emmitsburg.


  1. The Town should coordinate with State and County governments to reduce vehicular congestion in the Town Center through the development of programs to discourage through commercial truck traffic on Main Street and Seton Avenue.
  2. The Town should work with State and County governments to construct interchanges along US 15 at Welty Road/North Seton Avenue and at South Seton Avenue/Old Frederick Road.
  3. The Town should seek funding and dedications to construct a Northern Bypass around Emmitsburg which will be designed to route through traffic outside of the Main Street corridor.
  4. The Town should work with Mount Saint Mary's College, the Maryland Department of Transportation, and Frederick County to fund the design and construction of a pedestrian way/bikeway extending from the College to the Town along Old Emmitsburg Road and South Seton Avenue.
  5. The Town should seek improvements to Annandale Road and, possibly, Scott Road to accommodate increased vehicular traffic.
  6. The Town should implement Traffic Calming and Mobility Techniques to reduce traffic speeds and increase pedestrian safety in downtown Emmitsburg.
  7. The Town should prepare and implement a Greenways, Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan which will link the network of sidewalks, walking trails, and bike lanes/bikeways throughout the Town.
  8. The Town should prepare and implement revised Design Standards for Streets and Alleys which are intended to incorporate the desirable qualities found in Emmitsburg's older street system within new developments. New developments should utilize the revised Design Standards in order to continue Emmitsburg's traditional street design.
  9. A permanent Park and Ride Lot will be established within Emmitsburg to accommodate commuter parking, commuter bus traffic, and carpools/vanpools and to reduce the use of single occupant vehicles for commuter trips.
  10. The Town should implement a Parking Management Program to improve parking access throughout the downtown area.


  1. The Town should periodically review housing needs and costs. If housing affordability becomes an issue within Emmitsburg, then the Town should prepare and implement Affordable Housing Incentives that may be awarded to developers or builders who submit for approval subdivisions or that offer creative design concepts that will provide a full range of housing types.
  2. The Town should establish an Emmitsburg Economic Development/Renewal Organization, with broad-based community membership, to implement economic development initiatives in the Town and to ensure and expand participation of citizens, businesses, institutions, and the Town in promoting economic development opportunities in Emmitsburg. This organization should have a part-time staff person and an adequate resource base to accomplish its mission.
  3. The Town should establish an Emmitsburg Main Street Program, with broad based community membership that represents various sectors of the downtown business community and has a part-time staff person and an adequate resource base to promote downtown businesses and to promote the economic interests of the downtown business community.


  1. The Town should prepare and implement Community Design Standards and include these concepts in the zoning and subdivision ordinances. The Community Design Standards should include mixed-use pedestrian-friendly subdivision layouts, revised street/alley standards for new developments, sustainable design concepts, and should promote the desirable qualities of older town design in new developments in Emmitsburg. The Community Design Standards shall also apply to the range of land uses within Emmitsburg.
  2. The Town should implement a Traditional Community Zoning Overlay Zone which will apply to the Historic Village Policy Area and shall be the preferred land use pattern in all of the planned residential areas in Emmitsburg.
  3. The Town should prepare and adopt Incentives for Superior Community Design that shall be awarded to developers or builders who submit for approval site plans, subdivisions or building plans that exhibit superior quality and creative design which emphasize the mixed use development patterns or structural characteristics that are found in Emmitsburg's Town Center.
  4. The Town should develop and adopt Gateway Design Standards that are intended to reduce visual clutter and protect the heritage of Emmitsburg's built environment from incompatible design and structural eyesores.


  1. The Town should consider acquiring land for dedication as a future Middle School Site within Emmitsburg.
  2. The Town should consider acquiring land for dedication as a future High School Site within Emmitsburg.
  3. The Town should prepare and implement a Greenways and Recreation Plan for Emmitsburg that will link existing and planned community activity areas through open space corridors, such as stream valleys, trails, pedestrian walkways, sidewalks, and bikeways
  4. The Town should modify the subdivision regulations to link the recreation "fee-inlieu" for parkland dedications to a certified appraisal process rather than a set fee for lot.
  5. The Town should adopt standards that encourage fire sprinkler systems in all new townhouse and multi-family residential construction in Emmitsburg.
  6. Emmitsburg should seek to expand its branch public library to a Regional Public Library facility in accordance with the criteria establish d by the Frederick County Public Library system.
  7. The Town should amend the Emmitsburg Zoning Ordinance to ease the process to establish child care or senior care within Emmitsburg.
  8. The Town should work to ensure that the water system will be improved to serve both current and future planned users and residents, while encouraging water conservation throughout Emmitsburg.
  9. The Town should pursue all methods available to remove excessive infiltration and inflow into the municipal sewerage system.


  1. The Town should develop and implement a program to reserve and protect stream valley buffers/corridors and establish water quality goals. This program should include mapping of all stream valley corridors to include riparian buffer delineation, recommendations for appropriate buffer vegetation to promote stream bank stability and reduce nutrient and other pollutants from entering streams, establishment of flood protection guidelines, and reservation of corridor areas for future greenway/trail alignments.
  2. The Town should develop and adopt a Watershed Management Plan, involving an expanded stormwater management strategy which may include consideration of municipal detention facilities and which seeks to minimize the increasing demands on floodplain storage capacity in developing areas by coordinating floodplain protection efforts.
  3. The Town should identify large tracts of remaining wetlands and strive to connect them by forested areas, thereby linking presently isolated tracts into an interconnected network of wetlands.
  4. The Town should re-evaluate its setback requirement from designated floodplains based upon an analysis of proposed land uses, soil types, slopes, and wildlife habitat.
  5. The Town should work to protect lands in defined stream valley buffer/corridors through the use of permanent open space easements through development exactions, and through donations and fee simple purchase.
  6. The Town should develop and adopt appropriate planning and implementation tools to permit the effective preservation of the Town's significant historic and archaeological resources.
  7. The Town should develop and adopt Gateway Design Standards that are intended to reduce visual clutter and protect scenic vistas from incompatible design and structural eyesores.
  8. The Town should adopt a Highway Noise Overlay Z ne that will encourage the use of physical methods, including structural and vegetative techniques, by architects, designers, developers, and builders to achieve desired noise impact reductions.
  9. The Town should examine and modify its existing regulations to remove impediments and encourage energy efficient building design, including passive and/or active solar structures.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The 1974 Comprehensive Plan for Emmitsburg
Chapter 3: Demographic Element
Chapter 4: Land Use Element
Chapter 5: Transportation Element
Chapter 6: Housing
Chapter 7: Economic Development and Renewal
Chapter 8: Community Design Element
Chapter 9: Community Facilities
Chapter 10: Environment and Sensitive Areas
Chapter 11: Implementation Strategies