James A. Helman's ~ 1906
History of
Emmitsburg, Md.
While we were more then happy to provide our users Helman's
History of Emmitsburg, we must warn you, the book is full
of errors. The book is not a history book, but simple collection
of unsubstantiated bits and pieces of information all unvalidate. So while it is enjoyable reading,
we do not recommend it's contents be used as a bases for historical research.
This book makes no, pretension to be
It merely tells the time, circumstances
and people connected with this community, in which all are interested.
It starts with the earliest records regardless of personality or
religion, as far back as 1734 accurately, and follows these people as
they cut the forest and till the soil, build towns, make laws, and pass
away. No personal history is named save the Emmit family as a whole,
this is due the founder of the town. All the churches are historically spoken
of, so far as the information could be obtained. Let one fee
slighted, if the their name is not in the book. The enterprise from
1785 to present are in full. Some of the older tombstones are copied, to
show the place of burial of the early settlers. Receive the book for
just what it claims for itself, nothing more.
Helmans' History Of Emmitsburg
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