Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland

Ordinance 13-02

An Ordinance to Amend
Title 13
Of the Code of Emmitsburg
Public Services

      Be it Resolved, Enacted and Ordained, this 7th day of January, 2013 by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of Emmitsburg, Maryland, pursuant to the authority granted to them by the laws of Maryland and the Charter of the Town of Emmitsburg, that Title 13, Section 13.04.010 of the Emmitsburg Municipal Code, be amended as follows:

     The amended section of this regulation read as follows with new wording indicated in CAPITAL, BOLD letters and deleted words in strike out.

13.04.010 - Control and management.

A. All of the facilities and water plant owned by the town shall be under the control and management of the mayor and commissioners who shall appoint one person to have general supervision over the water system. It shall be his duty, whenever an applicant presents to him a permit signed by the town clerk, to make or cause to be made a proper connection to the water mains and shall regularly file every permit for the use of water and shall file a record with the town clerk showing the location and all other pertinent information to enable the mayor and commissioners to easily locate and identify all water connections.

B. The superintendent shall have the right to enter in and upon all premises to ascertain whether there is a proper connection or for any purpose connected with the interest of the waterworks and if any person shall refuse to allow such examination, or oppose or obstruct such officer in the execution of his duty, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

C. The Town of Emmitsburg, as the operator of a public water system, discourages and does not support or recommend private or individual water wells within its service area EXCEPT FOR BUILDING COOLING PURPOSES WHEN APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Any and all private or individual water wells that do exist within the Emmitsburg public water service area must meet all state and county standards, requirements and regulations. 

(Ord. 03-07 (part): prior code Art. XII § 1)

Be it Further Resolved, Enacted and Ordained
that this Ordinance shall take effect on the 7th day of January, 2013 and the Town Clerk shall post a copy thereof at the Town Office and one other public place within the Town.

Passed this 7th day of January, 2013, by a vote of 5 for, 0 against, 0 absent, and 0 abstain.


Vickie Felix, Recording Secretary Glenn

Blanchard, President Board of Commissioners


This 7th day of January, 2013

Donald N. Briggs, Mayor


Code Index | Title: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17