Bulk trash pick-up on Saturday, October 24,
2015 see
Code Excerpts - February 12, 2015
Ordinance 15-03
Approved FY 2016 budget - June 1, 2015
Ordinance 15-01
- passed June 15, 2015
Ordinance 15-02
- passed June 15, 2015
Resolution 2015-01R
-Approving the application and receipt of
financing for community legacy projects -
passed July 20, 2015
- Design for the
Square -
Public Information Meeting - February 19,
2014, 7:30 pm
- Senior Tax
Credit Seminar
- Ordinance
14-01 Town Clerk description - March 5, 2014
- Ordinance
14-02 Budget review - March 5, 2014
- Ordinance
14-03 Forestation - March 17, 2014
- Resolution 14-01R
Supporting Participation in Sustainable
Maryland Certification Program - April 21,
- Bulk Trash
Pickup on Saturday, April 26, 2014 -
see details
- Ordinance 14-04
FY2015 Tax Rate
- Ordinance 14-05
Bicycle Helmet - June 16, 2014
- Election
Judges needed for Town Election -
September 30, 2014
- Resolution 14-02R
Approving the application and receipt of
financing for community legacy projects
- Ordinance 14-06
Floodplain Management Regulations - August 18,
- Ordinance 14-08
Excessive Water Rates - September 15, 2014
- Policy 14-01
Sustainable Procurement Policy - October 20,
- Ordinance 14-11
General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes -
November 3, 2014
- Ordinance 14-12
General Obligation Bond - November 3, 2014
- Ordinance 14-13
Solar Lease Approval - November 3, 2014
- Proclamation
Municipal Government Works Month - November
17, 2014
- Ordinance 14-09
Vehicles - Tree Maintenance - December 2, 2014
- Ordinance 14-10
Health and Safety - Furniture - December 2,
- Ordinance 14-16
Water Connection - December 2, 2014
- Ordinance 14-17
Sewer Connection - December 2, 2014
- Ordinance 14-18
Citizens Advisory Committee - December 2, 2014
Bay Restoration Fee
Hardship Exemption
Resolution 2013-02R Celebrating the Gettysburg
Sesquicentennial and Emmitsburg's Roll Relative to
the Conflict - March 18, 2013
Ordinance 13-02 - Allowing wells for cooling
purposes - January 7, 2013
Emmitsburg Town Calendar
Free Income Tax
Prep for Median & Low-Income tax payers
Ordinance 13-03 - Sewer reference for cooling
wells - January 7, 2013
Ordinance 13-04 - Increase parks members -
January 23, 2013
Resolution 2013-01R - Financial Literacy
Awareness Week - February 18, 2013
- New water rates
effective July 1, 2013
Ordinance 13-07
Ordinance 13-08 - Budget and Capital Improvement
- June 17, 2013
Community Legacy
- Annual
Confidence Report (Water Quality)
Ordinance 13-09 - Fiscal Year 2014 Tax Rate -
remains 36 cents
Ordinance 13-10 - Premise Identification -
September 3, 2013
Election Results - October 1, 2013
Ordinance 13-01 - Signs - passed October 21,
Policy P13-04 - After Hours Use in Parks -
passed October 21, 2013
Ordinances 13-11,12,13 - Zoning amendments
regarding daycare
13-14 - land lease
agreement - passed December 3, 2013
Burn Permit
now available online
See Emmitsburg Elementary Trim Tree
Hearing May 21 - Ordinances
12-05,12-06,12-07,12-08 - Zoning changes
Bulk Trash Pick-Up: May 14, 2012
Public Hearing -
Sewer Rate Increase
Ordinance 12-01 - Sewer Rate Increase
- passed March 5, 2012
Ordinance 12-02 - Removal of grass and weeds -
passed February 20, 2012
Resolution 2012-04R - Architectural Guidelines -
passed March 19, 2012
Resolution 2012-05R - Sustainable Community
Designation - passed April 2, 2012
Ordinance 12-03 - Water connection charges -
passed April 16, 2012
Ordinance 12-04 - Water meters installation,
etc. - passed May 7, 2012
Ordinance 12-05 - Added permitted use to Village
Zone - passed May 21, 2012
Ordinance 12-06 - Accessory uses and structures
amended - passed May 21, 2012
Ordinance 12-07 - VZ
zone allowable projections - passed May 21, 2012
Ordinance 12-08 -
Residential lot width - passed May 21, 2012
Ordinance 12-09 - Fiscal Year 2013 Tax Rate
Bay Restoration Fee Increase FAQs
- July 1, 2012
Town Square RFP
Design Square
Annual Community Calendar
Current Utility Rates
Annual Farmers Market
Outdoor Watering Policy - passed April 4, 2011
Community Center Gym Scheduling
MSM Survey Results
Monthly Testing of Early Warning Sirens
Curbside Recycling Collection Process
Ordinance 11-01 Trash
- Ordinance 11-03
Repeal chapter 2.20 Chief of Police - passed
February 7, 2011
Ordinance 11-04
Elections - passed February 7, 2011
- Ordinance 11-05
Board salary payment frequency - passed
March 7, 2011
- Ordinance 11-06
Grease trap
Ordinance 11-07 Watering hours limits - passed
March 7, 2011
Ordinance 11-08
Zone B-2 Uses - passed May 16, 2011
Ordinance 11-09 APFO - passed April 18, 2011
Ordinance 11-10 Advertising sealed bids - passed
May 2, 2011
Ordinance 11-11
Ethics Commission - passed May
2, 2011
Ordinance 11-12 C-R District - passed June 20,
Ordinance 11-14 Water Surcharge Abatement -
passed August 15, 2011
Ordinance 11-15 Sewer Surcharge Abatement -
passed August 15, 2011
Ordinance 11-16 Trailers - passed
August 15, 2011
Ordinance 11-19 Signs in Village Zone - passed
September 19, 2011
Ordinance 11-17 Parks and Recreation Facilities
Regulations - passed October 3, 2011
Borrowing Resolution - passed October 3, 2011
Ordinance 11-18 Required Lot Area - passed
October 17, 2011
Ordinance 11-20 Allowable projections of
accessory buildings into yard - passed October 17,
Ordinance 11-21 Accessory Uses and
Structures - passed October 17, 2011
Ordinance 11-22 Ethics - passed October
17, 2011
Ordinance 11-23 Loitering - passed
December 6, 2011