Town Manager's Report
February 2006
Prepared by David Haller
- Staff "coal
patched" a few streets
- Staff repaired a number of street lights
- Staff installed and
repaired a number of street signs
- We have experienced
some generator problems at the water treatment
plant. The transfer switching system has been
malfunctioning and staff has arranged for repairs
- The roughing filters are being backwashed everyday
- We have upgraded the
computer data storage capacity on the operational
monitoring computers at the water treatment plant
- Water production and consumption. We produced and purchased an average of
336,174 gpd. We consumed an average of 322,113
- The difference is "Backwash Water"
...(4.2%). We purchased 383,500 gals. of water from MSM this month.
- 47.7% of this water came from wells
- 4.1% of this water came from Mt. St. Mary's
- 48.2% of this water came from Rainbow Lake
- We had two raw sewerage spills in the Month of
- Feb 3 - 6,000 gals., Feb. 4 - 7,750 gals.
- We received about
3.1 inches of precipitation this month
- Wastewater Treatment:
- We treat an average of
587,000 gpd (consumed 322,113 gpd) which means that
45% of the wastewater treated this month was "wild water"
- We exceeded the plant's design capacity on
4 days in the month of February
- 02/02-925,000 gals.,
02/03-1,464,000 gals.
- 02/04-2,184,000 gals.,
02/05-1,218,000 gals.
- Trash pickup days will remain Monday & Thursday for the month of February
- Staff has removed
the jungle gyms in Memorial Park for safety reasons
- Staff made a number
of general repairs in preparation for the Spring
Meetings Attended:
- 02/21 With the
owners of the Jubilee store to discuss site
improvements including the relocation of the
existing site entrance
- 02/22 With the
District #7 SHA engineer to discuss a number of
traffic issues
- 03/14 With Fox &
Associates Engineers to discuss the South Seton
Avenue water & sewer rehab. project and the
Community Park bathrooms project
List of prior months' Town Manager's reports |