Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland



May 20, 2013

Emmitsburg Town Office



Present:  Mayor Donald Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Christopher Staiger, Patrick Joy, James Hoover and Tim O’Donnell, President. 

Staff present were Vickie Felix; Sue Cipperly, Town Planner; Donna Despres, Town Clerk and Dave Haller, Town Manager.

Absent:  Patrick Joy, with prior notice.


I. Cal Call to Order

Commissioner Tim O’Donnell, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the May 20, 2013 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


 Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the May 6, 2013 Town Meeting were approved as presented.


Mr. David Dunn liaison for the Board of County Commissioners was present to observe town meeting. 


Commissioner Comments

Commissioners announced that the Community/Heritage Day brochures are done and will be distributed.   Last Community/Heritage day meeting will be June 6.   It was announced that the Catoctin Youth Athletic Association would like to use Community Park for practices and a state meet.  The summer basketball program will again occur here in the Emmitsburg Community Center gymnasium.   


Mayor’s Comments

Mayor Briggs cited that he attended the Vigilant Hose Spring Fling, a terrific function bringing the community together.  He met with the Little League baseball president and David Yoder at the Mason Dixon visitors’ center; they will be doing joint displays.  The Mason Dixon’s display dedication will be June 28, 2013. 


Administrative Business

·  * Public Works Mutual Aid Agreement – will be brought back as an agenda item

·  * Recruiting for election judges; post on channel 99

·  * Town office procedures for use of field behind town office – presently working on a final  agreement with Mr. Barnes for town to have the rights to schedule

·  * Splash park/seasonal pool inspection

·  * Police Task Force probably staring June or July

   * Pool opening June 17th, would like to schedule earlier but need to make sure permits are done.


Consent Agenda

Planning Commission Annual Report

Motion:  to accept the Planning Commission 2012 Annual Report.

Motion made by Commissioner Hoover, second by Commissioner Sweeney

Vote 4-0 in favor



Town Managers Report - reported on the public works department monthly activities to include a water production and consumption analysis.  Highlights:  the speed bump has been installed on Huntley Circle; the town wells are down an average of 3.3 feet from May 2011 levels, but in the right direction; no surplus or deficit of precipitation over the last 6 months; no spills of untreated sewerage in April; did not exceed the plant’s design capacity on any days in the month of April; trash pickup for Memorial Day week will be Tuesday, May 28th instead of Monday. 

Town Planners Report - Sue Cipperly provided highlights of the written report:  she provided mapping information for the college mountain project and information requested by Commissioner Staiger for the Citizens’ Advisory committee about maintenance code sections; the Multiple Sclerosis bike ride will be coming to Emmitsburg again this year to use the town pavilion as a halfway point in their ride; also sent information to State Highway about the North and South crosswalk questions that were asked at the previous town meeting; met with Jerry Muir regarding the Maryland Smart Energy Communities grant application submittal--received $20,000 initially back from that and recently $17,500 which will go towards things like the LED lights; spoke with some residents about trash accumulation along Irishtown Road along the Brookfield lots, Jerry Muir followed up, everything has been cleaned up; conferred with Seth Harry & Associates and SHA regarding review comments and also completed revisions to Community Legacy program application after conferring with committee members.  Detailed report at Exhibit A

Police Report - Deputy Patterson reported on April 2013.  Detailed report at Exhibit B





Set 2014 constant yield tax rate

Mr. Haller stated that staff recommends maintaining the rate at $.36 per $100 of assessed value.  The proposed budget uses this rate and staff believes it is adequate to run the budget.                                                                                                                                                                

Motion:  To maintain the current tax rate at $.36 per $100 of assessed value. 

Motion by Commissioner Hoover, second by Commissioner Sweeney

                                     Vote: 4-0 in favor


Fiscal Year 2014 Budget

Mr. Haller stated the fiscal year 2014 budget was presented to the Board by the Mayor at the last town meeting for their review, consideration and approval.  This budget is very similar to last year’s budget in spending.  This year the town has gotten some pretty good support from the County and State.  Staff feels this is a good waste-free budget.  Commissioner Hoover concurred that the numbers from last year to this year are very similar.  He also stated that the benefit is the state highway funds might be more than projected and recommended if they are more, when those funds come in that the council consider where to put those funds i.e., road projects.  Commissioner Staiger questioned the 2% COLA stating that it should be tied to an index, suggesting that the Social Security index of 1.7% be used. 

Motion: to limit the COLA to 1.7% in accordance with the number identified by the Social Security Administration.

         Motion made by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner Sweeney.

                                     Vote: 2-2, motion failed


Mayor Briggs interjected that he doesn’t feel they should go with the national average but with the state of Maryland.  Donna Despres, Town Clerk reported the proposal is based on the Consumer Price Index.  In February when staff was starting to prepare budget it was 2.0% and the annual for 2012 was 2.1%.  Commissioner Staiger recommends that the Board be presented with the actual basis for the decision of 2%.  During board discussion line items that were in question in the general fund included line 6600 capital outlay listed in various departments, line items 5401 and 5402 education and travel in legislative and executive departments, line item 5522 electric and street light upkeep.  Items in question in the capital improvements fund included curb, cutter, road and sidewalk improvements adding West Lincoln Avenue sidewalk improvements.  Regarding explanation of the reserved funds for East Lincoln Avenue improvements, Mr. Dunn reported that the county has a good working relationship with Potomac Edison and will get the details from Mr. Haller and see what he can do to help to move the poles.  Town square improvements – funds should be specifically targeted instead of being lumped together as town square improvements.    

Motion:  to remove from the 2014 budget the town square improvement funding of $10,000.

Motion made by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner Hoover.

                                     Motion withdrawn


There was also some discussion on the funds designated for the tot lot in Emmit Gardens and the solar field.


Set Agenda Items for June 3, 2013 Town Meeting

  1.  Fiscal year 2014 budget

  2. Catoctin Youth Athletic Trail

  3. Revised septic tier map created by County passed by State – consent agenda



III.     Public Comments - none






V.        Adjournment

With no further business, the May 20, 2013 Town Meeting was adjourned at 9:14 p.m.