Town of Emmitsburg
300A S. Seton Ave Emmitsburg, Maryland




June 3, 2013

Emmitsburg Town Office



Present:  Mayor Donald Briggs; Commissioners Clifford Sweeney, Christopher Staiger, Patrick Joy, James Hoover and Tim O’Donnell, President. 

Staff present were Vickie Felix; Donna Despres, Town Clerk and Dave Haller, Town Manager.


I.   Call to Order

Commissioner Tim O’Donnell, President of the Board of Commissioners, called the June 3, 2013 Town Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


 Approval of Minutes

The Minutes of the May 20, 2013 Town Meeting were approved as corrected.


Commissioner Comments

Commissioners cited announcements to include upcoming events; July 7th the Christ Community Church’s family day in the park; June 22nd Knights of Columbus’ St. Joseph’s Annual Golf Tournament.  Volunteers are needed for Heritage/Community day.   A letter was shared from a representative for Erin Dingle, Branch Administrator of the Thurmont Libraries in regards to summer programs. 


Mayor’s Comments

Mayor Briggs announced that Emmitsburg Elementary School will be having play day this week to celebrate the end of the school year.  There will be a Seton Center Board meeting tomorrow night.  He congratulated all the seniors that will be graduating from Catoctin High School this Wednesday night.  He recognized Greg Weaver’s son who finished his first plebe year at the Naval Academy and Maggie Myles who made the U-20 National Rugby team. 


Administrative Business

·         Email in regards to commentary that has been received about wrong-way traffic from Irishtown Road onto Brookfield Drive

·         Brookfield community – areas that are not considered meadow areas are not being fully cut – Jerry Muir has followed up on this. 

·         Citizens’ advisory committee – would like to appoint out-of-town resident Richard Lindsey; put on consent agenda.   Follow up with members who do not attend meetings. 

·         Project Open Space grant money – Flaws in process…Board would like to be more involved in grant cycle. 

·         Proposal from the citizens’ advisory committee to run a water line to the minor league field.  Mr. Haller will get a cost estimate.  Also a possible water line at Community Park for community gardens and for baseball fields.

·         Volunteer community patrol system in parks.

·         Code of conduct for elected officials presentation in July.

·         National code for building maintenance.

·         Completion of sidewalks from Brookfield to town and small section in Emmit Gardens.

·         Community Park paved walking path – maintenance to cut back growth.

·         Timbermill Run – gravel gap in sidewalk


Consent Agenda

Revised septic tier map created by County passed by State – no change to town portion of map.   Consent agenda approved by unanimous consent. 



Treasurer’s Report – Commissioner Sweeney reported on May 2013 cash activity.   Detailed report at Exhibit A. 

Planning Commission Report – Commissioner Joy reported that the planning commission did not meet in the month of May. 



II.       Agenda Items


Fiscal year 2014 budget

This is a continued review of the 2014 Fiscal Year budget which was presented by the Mayor at the May 6, 2013 Town Meeting.  Commissioner Joy went over his review questions for the proposed budget.  During the review questions it was discovered that in the general fund, line item 6100-other expenses for public safety and line item 6600-capital outlay for parks and recreation were duplicated as the cost for this surveillance equipment also appears in the CIP fund.  This brought line item 6100-other expenses for public safety from $8,300 to $300 and line item 6600-capital outlay for parks and recreation from $9,000 to $1,000; which left $16,000 to reallocate.  Also during Board discussion the Board stated that they would like to see more estimated detail in the CIP Fund budget. 


Motion:  to amend the general fund and the CIP fund: reduce line item 6600-capital outlay in parks and recreation from $9,000 to $6,000 ($5,000 would be for the purpose of bleachers and water line) and the $11,000 balance  be disbursed into the CIP fund into curb gutter, sidewalk, road improvements for a total contribution of $76,000. 

Motion made by Commissioner Hoover, second by Commissioner Sweeney.


Motion:  to amend proposed motion to change the language to water lines in town parks.

Motion made by Commissioner Joy, second by Commissioner Hoover. 

                                     Vote 5-0 in favor


Motion:  to transfer $23,900 in the CIP fund out of town square improvements to create a new line item for town square construction drawings.

Motion made by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner Hoover.

                                     Vote 5-0 in favor


Motion:  to re-title town square improvements to town square design consultants

Motion made by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner Sweeney

                                     Vote 5-0 in favor


Motion:  to transfer $10,000 from 2014 contribution, re-titled town square design consultants, back to fund balance until project is fully identified.

Motion made by Commissioner Staiger, second by Commissioner Joy.

                                     Vote 1-4 motion failed


Motion:  that within the next 45 days the Mayor and administration come back with a revised project budget of the town square design consultant.  The budget should include all past and projected future expenditures. 

Motion made by Commissioner Hoover, second by Commissioner Staiger


Mayor Briggs interjected that they will not find out about the grant until mid July. 


Motion:  to amend proposed motion to change the language from within the next 45 days to the second town meeting in August 2013. 

Motion made by Commissioner Hoover, second by Commissioner Staiger. 

                                     Vote 5-0 in favor


Motion:  to approve the amended FY 2014 General Fund; CIP Fund and Sewer/Water Enterprise Fund budgets.

Motion made by Commissioner Hoover, second by Commissioner Joy.

                                     Vote 5-0 in favor


Catoctin Youth Athletic Trail

This agenda item was tabled to a future meeting. 


Set Agenda Items for June 17, 2013 Town Meeting

1.    Emmitsburg Electrical Energy Efficiency Policy

2.    Emmitsburg Alternative Energy Policy

3.    Budget ordinance item related to CIP fund

4.    Budget ordinance item related to General Fund

5.    Addressing possible FY 2013 budget transfer items


Consent Agenda Item

Appoint Richard Lindsey to Advisory Committee



III.     Public Comments - Loretta Sprankle, 25 Federal Avenue - expressed complaints in regards to dogs on a leash getting into her flower beds and not being cleaned up after; cars speeding on Federal Avenue.  and children that are not walking against traffic on their way to school; concerned someone is going to get hurt.   





V.        Adjournment

         With no further business, the June 3, 2013 Town Meeting was adjourned at 9:52p.m.